Thursday, July 5, 2007

Anybody Can Have a Charmed Life

According to Victoria Moran (author of the book "Creating a Charmed Life") people who lead a charmed life simply put into practice, knowingly or not, the attitudes, and propensities that orchestrate harmonius circumstances. She has also mentioned in her book that all of us can create a charmed life--one that is rich, full, meaningful and manageable.

Having a charmed life does not depend on luck alone (some people consider themselves charmed simply because they were born lucky, or course that's not true). It is something that we can work on. Some people I know already live a charmed life and they don't even know it. There are no hard rules on living a charmed life---you can create it. And that's the beauty of Victoria Moran's concept.

Let me share with you some of my favorite sensible, spiritual secrets mentioned in her book (the short explanations are based from my experiences):

Take Ten - affording to take at least 10 minutes of quiet time everyday. My quiet time is at night, some do it in the morning. It can be 10 or 20 or 30 minutes, whatever suits you. i usually reflect on what had transpired during the day.

Become an Unhurried Woman - this has helped me get thru the busiest days of my life. This has kept me calm in times when everything around me is in a rush.

Drink Good Coffee, Eat Good Food - the reason why I'm not stingy when it comes to food or coffee and why I like dining out and being served.

Change with the Seasons - my reason for acknowledging the changing of seasons, i.e. how i can never hate winter that much (it's really a struggle for me to get thru cold days) only because I know that winter is a time for hibernation, more time in the home and more time for oneself.

Decide that You are Beautiful - being beautiful really comes from the inside, in your heart and mind.

Stop to Realize - everyday when going home from work, i get off the bus and walk towards the train station, i pause for a moment and just close my eyes, smile and breathe and think "another good/great day is over, i now leave work behind and face my family at home". Or when I had a chance to be with a friend and we soon part, i stop for awhile to internalize what has happened and be thankful for such a wonderful encounter.

Have a good night everyone!