Monday, July 30, 2007

Inspiring Message from One of Our Principal Sponsors

One of our Ninongs gave a speech during our wedding reception and he was kind enough to hand over to us his speech, which he had typed on paper, before the wedding celebration ended. I'm sharing it here on my blog as I want to immortalize his inspiring words that night.


Good evening to everyone.

Chris and I were together in the Marketing Support Division of East West Bank, not so long ago. I know Chris to be a quiet, humble and very talented person. We were fortunate to have him in our group because he surely made a lot of things easier, with his creative talent in producing our marketing communication materials.

Chris kept true to form with his being low-key and soft-spoken, because I didn't even know that he was courting Ivy, who at that time was holding office in a different building across Makati. And boy was I surprised when I learned that they were already on and dating. I guess Chris' being quiet, humble yet effective in getting things done (just like how he got Ivy), manifested how the rest of us in Marketing Support Division were like--low-key, but hardworking.

Chris' and Ivy's love for each other has surpassed the test of time and distance being so far away from each other for over a year. Here are two people, whose love for each other even became stronger to the point of committing their lives together in Holy Matrimony, in spite of being separated from each other. Perhaps the secret to this is the foundation of their love, which started from friendship and their longing for companionship.

This reminds me of what my son said in his tribute to his Lolo (my father-in-law) last December when his Lolo celebrated his 90th birthday--and I quote, "A sage advice that was given to me once about love was to pick a suitable partner to be your companion for the rest of your life. A pretty face inevitably sags, and sexual passion inescapably cools down. Yet friendship and companionship grow stronger with time. Maybe the secret to attaining old age, achieving long marriages, and even beating disease is having a good companion."

To Chris and Ivy, congratulations and best wishes. May you share a very long life together in wedded bliss.


(Ninong) Ferdie La Chica