Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Edsa Dos, January 2001 (source:wikipedia)
I was there in Edsa Dos. I was there twice, first was during a long lunch break from work and second was on that Friday night when everyone from all walks of life gathered to fight for what they believed in. After six years, the Erap verdict is out.

Guilty on the charge of plunder.
Not guilty on the charge of perjury.
Sentenced to reclusion perpetua.
First President of the Philippines to be convicted.


On a personal note:
Husband and I haven't been emailing for the past couple days because he's busy with his company's ongoing exhibit in Dubai. So I was touched when he texted me this afternoon saying "Guilty si Erap...". I know that this is not the most romantic text ever (hehehe) but I'm touched by his thoughtfulness. Ganito kasi yun, when my husband is doing something really important at work like launching of new product, exhibits, coming up with a company catalogue, etc. I never bother him and I never expect him to email me back or text me back. When it comes to his career, I support him by taking a backseat sometimes because I understand how he works as an artist. So when he unexpectedly texted me about Erap, I was touched because in the midst of him being busy, he even remembered to text me that news. He knows that those kind of news are things that I really care to know about. When I read his text message, I just laughed and said "he really knows me well." And it also made me feel that he respect and gives importance to the things I believe in. Something to smile about today.