Here I am. Still 30...going on 31. This month. A few days from now.
I'm elated to see more candles on my birthday cake.
I'm excited to grow old and be another year wiser.
I can't wait to see the year unfold right before me.
I look forward to seeing some of my dreams come true.
I look forward to more responsibilities that will make me a better individual.
I look forward to travels that will make me wander in awe.

Another year older and yet I am not be afraid to see wrinkles peeking on the side of my eyes.
I am not be afraid to face the challenges that will make me stronger.
I am not be afraid to face all the changes around me with the faith and positivity that I have.
Here I am...at 30...happy, strong and beautiful.
Ready to face whatever the coming years will bring me ---whether it may be blessings or challenges.
Photos courtesy of Erick Guerrero, Jonathan Dael and Chris Sanchez