Friday, October 31, 2008

Thank God This Work-Week is Over

This is one of the most exhausting work-weeks of my life in Australia:
- for the first time that I've worked here, I brought work home on Tuesday. When I moved here I swore I'll never bring work home EVER especially now that I'm a wife already. I have made a rule (for myself) that home is just for homely activities.
- I've never heard so many F-words in my life this week. My team seems to be swearing so much, it's really not funny anymore. I've heard myself say the F-word once or twice and that is a sign that I'm really getting frustrated on some things.
- heard myself say "Dammit!" so many times. I'm not an F-word user, so "Dammit" is my default word when getting pissed off.
- the pile on my desk seemed to have doubled since last week, when before there was never a pile there!
*sigh* This too shall pass. I really hope, for our sanity's sake, that next week will be less hectic for us. Thank God this work-week is over. I can't wait for the weekend to begin.