Sunday, November 30, 2008

Housewarming Party for the Kolokoys

Chris and I are very happy that we were finally able to host a party for our dear friends. And I'm very happy to have been able to prepare a little feast for them. We truly appreciate the happy company, the lively singing (and dancing too) that lit up our home last night and of course, the gifts your brought. Thank you very very much from the bottom of our hearts!

Special Thank You's:
Gary and Yyoni for the Spaghetti and Drinks
Evan and Hilda for the Pavlova
Rich and Rachelled for the Cupcakes
Tom and Ara for the Krispy Kreme Donuts

We weren't able to take photographs of all the food :(. But here's the humble feast that Chris and I prepared:

1. Antipasto Platter (feta cheese, olives, sundried tomatoes and crisp bread)
2. Pork Barbeque
3. Chicken with Pistacchio Nuts
(not in photo)
4. Spring Rolls (Lumpiang Shanghai)
5. Buttered Vegetables (Carrots, Asparagus and Beans)
6. Fruit Platter (Watermelon, Cherries, Strawberries and Grapes)

Have a blessed week!
For more photos, please click this link: Housewarming for the Kolokoys.