Wednesday, February 18, 2009

LDR Chronicles

When I wrote two articles regarding surviving Long Distance Relationships (LDR), it never occured to me that there are a lot of people who would be able to relate to my LDR entries. And why not? When in fact lots of families, husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends and soon-to-be couples are indeed going thru this overwhelming experience.
I've received a couple of messages asking me where they can find my LDR articles and so here it is:

The first LDR article I actually wrote was December 2006, in time for my ex-boyfriend (now husband) and I's 4th syota-anniversary.

In this entry, I wrote about how we sacrificed being apart in the midst of our wedding preparations. I wrote about how we miss our life in the Phils and how we kept our cool inspite of the life-changing decision we have made--and that is to be apart in order to fulfill our dreams.

The second article was about how we were able to survive another 14 months of separation, this time, after our wedding.

This experience was more painful in the sense that we parted having a more binding connection (we were husband and wife!). When I dropped off my Husband at the airport (he left two days before I went back to Sydney) in time for his flight to Dubai, I almost didn't let go. I thought it would be easier saying goodbye for the second time, but it wasn't--it was so much harder. And thing was, we didn't know when will see each other again (unlike our first separation). However, we tried our best to practice loving smartly---which for us meant, focusing on our goals, being positive and hopeful.

Looking back at what I've written, I will admit that both articles still tugs at my heart, some phrases still bring back some tears and reminds me sometimes of good and not-so-good moments we've had when we were apart. It's nice to go back to the learnings, it is useful at most times when we are having rough times now that we are finally together. There's also a sense of accomplishment after the LDR stage is thru, gives more definition to the innermost core of our relationship. At the end of it all, we both just said, "It wasn't so bad, after all."

So to you my loving readers: have faith, have hope and have love...always.