Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Cuppycake Song

Have you ever wondered who sang the song Cuppycake ringtone?

(Lyrics and Music by Judianna Castle)
You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie
You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop
Snoogums-Boogums, You're the Apple of my Eye
And I love you so and I want you to know
That I'll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear

It's the ringtone a lot of people (including me!) used for their mobile. The Husband found the original recording in youtube. This is worth seeing. The little girl who sang it is sooooo adorable. I recommend you finish the video til the end. Enjoy!