Wednesday, December 30, 2009

One Last Coffee Date at Starbucks Before 2009 Ends

Went to see some friends this afternoon and on our way home, I told the Husband I'll treat him Starbucks. My ulterior motive was to have a cup of Toffee Nut Latte as I've been craving for weeks now. The last time I had Toffee Nut was on the last day of November. I feel like I haven't fully maximized drinking Toffee Nut this year coz I've been on house arrest (due to my recuperation chuva) for three weeks. And also, I wanted us to celebrate coz we finished one big project (a family portrait shoot) we've been working on for the past few days.

So here we are at Starbucks.

I had a Toffee Nut Latte...

while the Husband had Mocha Frapuccino.

We brought our cameras with us and played a bit.

We also talked about the things that we want to happen for us next year--family goals and personal goals. As the new year unfolds, we have this kind of talk always. As partners, we think it's important that we know what each of us wants/needs to happen, places we'd like to go to, projects we'd like to be a part of and things we want to buy. It doesn't have to be concrete. The important thing is we have made each other aware of our goals so that for the big things, we can plan accordingly. So far, our 2010 looks very promising.