Tuesday, December 15, 2009

She's Getting Married

She's one of my best friends in the world. We've been friends since she "stalked" me during our sophomore year in college. The better word really was she reached out to me and I'm lucky she did. She was and is always a breath of fresh air when I'm need of a better perspective.

I remember days when we didn't have school. My parents would drop me off at her place in the wee hours of the morning (they were on their way to work). I'd go straight to her room and she'd still be asleep so I'd lie beside her and sleep too. When we wake up, we'd talk for an hour or two (we never seem to run out of things to talk to) and dial numbers on the phone, inviting our other friends to hang out with us. Sometimes, we get up right away if we feel like going to the mall and shop. Simple, uncomplicated times of our lives.

I remember days and nights we'd talk of boys and love and how it affects our lives. Sometimes, there were tears. Oftentimes, we'd laugh it off as we recall some of the silly things we'd do for the sake of saving love. Now that we're grown-ups, we know that things happen for a reason...and that things happen for the better.

I remember her following her dreams to Australia and a few months after she arrived here, I visited her. Best times of our lives. Because of her, living in Sydney seemed less intimidating. I believe that one of the reasons why my migration materialized was because we were meant to be in one place. We are sisters and we are to look after each other.

I remember that we are always just a phone call or email away and we will come running just to be there for each other.

I remember that we always celebrate our happy milestones. She taught me that even the tiniest achievement should be celebrated and so we do.

I remember that before one of us goes out of the country, we make time to see each other. It's one of our rituals and we have no plans of breaking it. That's why last Saturday, I had to see her and bid her a happy and safe travel.

I remember receiving her email saying that the love of her life proposed! I am one of the happiest persons to know that she's getting married. My bestfriend's getting married. And I couldn't be happier for her.