Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thank you 2009!

I can only describe my 2009 as one big package full of surprises. Exciting, fabulous, at times confusing, but most of all, LIFE-CHANGING.

If 2009 were a dance, it would be like the Cha Cha for me--stepping forward and backward, to the sides, and then there's the turn--as I had a myriad of questions that needed answers, decisions that needed timely resolutions. Decisions that needed me to step forward and take risks. Decisions that needed me take a few steps backward in order to have a better perspective. Decisions that told my guts to just dance to the music playing in my heart, mind and soul. Decisions that mattered in my present but holds consequences not only to my future but also my family's. Decisions that will forever change my life.

With all the charmed experiences, challenges and decisions made this year, I'm eternally grateful for the special people, events and things in my 2009:

Thank you for giving me a devoted Husband who never fails to make me happy each and every day, for being my partner and bestfriend, for taking good care of me and for being my eternal source of sunshine. Thank you for giving us a chance to grow together everyday.

Thank you for the gift of time spent with family and relatives. My Parents coming over to visit. My Auntie from America visiting as well. Times spent with them are always priceless. I'm happy to have shared a piece of our life here in Sydney with them.

Thank you for the love of my In-laws. Not only do they love me like their own daughter, they are also great friends with my parents. Their love and friendship means a lot to me.

Thank you for relatives who are always concerned and who are always there for our family.

Thank you for the gift of friends, old and new. This year, friendship takes on a new meaning for me as the truest of true friends went beyond extra miles just to show their love for us. I may not have siblings by blood, but God made sure I have friends who will stand by me no matter what. My friends are the food to my soul.

Thank you for the gift of being part of Australia. This year, I'm officially a citizen of this country who has been good to me.

Thank you for blessing in disguises. Meeting people who served as my guardian angels. Circumstances that seemed unkind but in time turned out to be learning experiences.

Thank you for the gift of life. I am blessed me to be healed and here I am, good as new, alive and healthy once again. Thank you for giving me another chance to live.

Thank you for the gift of a home that is welcoming and cheerful, one that is almost always full of laughter and good vibes. Thank you for the beautiful sunsets that greet us every time we arrive home.

Thank you for the gift of surprises and unexpected gifts. Friends visiting Sydney. My Husband giving me a car on my birthday. News that my Parents will be coming over. A written reflection of mine to be published in a book! And some other things that made my day extraordinary with the surprise blessings that came my way.

Thank you for the gift of travel. With each place explored, I learn more and I share more.

Thank you for the gift of photography and writing. Two passions of mine that has become a blessing for me as I meet friends who share the same passion as mine. I'm grateful to all the inspiring responses from people who appreciate my photographs and articles.

Thank you for a stable and not-so-hectic career. There are days when work was so demanding but it was always worth it because work also gave me back days-off that I could enjoy and a flexible time so I'm able accomplish my personal goals. I will always be grateful that the career I have now gives me more time to be a Wifey than a careerwoman.

Thank you for the gift of inner peace and faith. That even if there are uncertainties at times, I am able to sleep well knowing that tomorrow will be a better day and that God will always be faithful to me.

Thank you for all the memories, big and small, good and not-so-good. They made me who I am today and has made me cherish every moment that I'm alive.

As I say goodbye to 2009, I feel that with all the things I've gone thru, I say hello to 2010 a stronger, bigger and better person.

For 2010, let's positively believe that the year will bring great, happy things for all of us. As we look forward, may we always focus on the good things about to happen.

I wish everyone a kinder and more blessed year ahead. A sparkling and bright 2010 to all! Cheers!