Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Australia Day!

It's my first time to celebrate Australia Day as an Australian this year. My Husband and I stayed indoors today but we had sausages (for the first time at home) for lunch to honor the day.

Last week, we had a relaxing short summer/anniversary/birthday getaway. For a change, we decided to chose country areas to explore instead of a city where we usually end up exhausted from lots of walking around and shopping.

This recent 3-day road trip was a myriad of breathtaking sceneries: luscious forests, desert-like beaches at a park (take note: it was a park with a beach with desert-like sand! see photo above), pretty lighthouses and beautiful beaches.

It was such a great experience as we learned more beautiful places in this country--and there's still a lot! So we'll take it one travel at a time.

I'll share more about the things we saw during our travel soon (I'm currently busy watching the Australian Open). In the meantime, I wish everyone had a fun-filled and safe Australia Day. To the rest of the world, hope you're having a great week! Smile!