Monday, February 15, 2010

Don't Forget the Honeymoon

It doesn't matter where or how you spend your honeymoon, what matters is that you have a break after your wedding.

Preparing the wedding and being the star on your wedding day can be stressful times for you and your future better half--and I mean, stressful in a good way. Whenever soon-to-be married couples ask me advices on how to plan a wedding, one of the things I tell them is "Don't forget to plan your honeymoon". I truly believe that is part of planning a wedding. If you look at certain wedding checklists, there's a part there where it says "Honeymoon".

Why is it important?
Because it could be one of the things you look forward to on your last leg of preparations. I remember on the last week before my Husband and I were to wed, all we could think about was 'soon after the wedding, we will be on our honeymoon'. Don't get us wrong. We loved preparing for our wedding, but there came a point when we got tired especially on the last few days prior to the big day. So during those times, the thought of the honeymoon was of great comfort to us. Not only did we worked hard to have a wedding, but we worked hard to have a honeymoon as well. It became some sort of reward for us.

You need time to relax and breathe. No matter how high with happiness the two of you may be from the celebration of your marriage, sooner or later it will take a toll on you: your body, mind and emotions. The honeymoon gives the couple some breathing space before they face the world as newlyweds. Some couples who never had a honeymoon experienced anxiety attacks a few days after the wedding or have difficulty adjusting to their new role. On the second and third leg of my honeymoon (the first part of our honeymoon we were with relatives), we tuned out from the rest of the world: no internet or phone calls and not much tv. We only texted our parents to let them know that we have arrived safely at our destination. The whole time we just made the most of our time being together. After the honeymoon, we found ourselves with clear minds, relaxed bodies and adjusted to the idea that we are indeed married.

Not enough budget?
A honeymoon doesn't have to be lavish. It doesn't have to happen overseas or in a place where all honeymooners go to. You can be creative when it comes to planning your honeymoon. You might have friends who has houses/apartments in the countryside that you can rent for a few days, that'll be heaps cheaper than staying at a hotel. If you don't have enough time off work, you can stay in the city at an apartment or hotel and just spend a weekend together.

Some couples delay their honeymoon and just have a mini-honeymoon right after the wedding. That works too because they get to rest for a few days.

So if you ask me if it's worth planning a honeymoon, I would highly recommend it. The honeymoon will do your relationship good and at the same time help you a lot in transitioning to married life easier.

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