Sunday, June 20, 2010

Affirmation: Focus on the Present


My mind and heart are always focused on the present
as I do every task
one at a time,
calmly & kindly,
as it arises.

Personal Reflection:

The past week, I have had several challenging moments in my life. And the challenges are not yet over. I will be facing a few more in the coming weeks. There are so many things to do at home, work and outside of work. I am taking each day as it is and just enjoying every moment as always. What always motivate me is the thought that this too will pass and when it is over, I come out of each challenge with invaluable lessons.

Last week, I learned that surrounding myself with a lot of love helps in going thru every challenge I'm in. Love for oneself. Love from family. Love from friends. Love for one's passions in life. These four things saved me (it always does!)...LOVE. When things seems to be overwhelming I have enough love in my life to weather thru challenges thrown at me. I'm grateful.

I face another busy and challenging w
eek this week. Other than love, I hope I will have enough focus, peace, calm and kindness in me in order to fulfill my duties.

I wish you a great productive week! Smile!


Blogging will come to a slow halt for the meantime as some things need to be prioritized at the moment. I have so many stories I'd like to blog about (events, recipes and food finds!) and I really can't wait to share them with you. I won't be gone long.

I won't be totally missed. Part of the things I'm finishing is the updating of my photoblog. I've currently uploaded some April photos. I'm hopeful that in two weeks, it will be up-to-date.

I will also check-in the blogosphere from time to time. You can find me tweeting for some random thoughts and photos I would love to share immediately.

See you when I get back!