Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Best Part of His Day

When you look at your mate, you're looking at a part of you. So treat her well. Speak highly of him. Nourish and cherish the love of your life.  (Love Dare Reminders)


On Monday when the Husband arrived home from work and we were wrapped up in each others arms (that's how we greet each other when one comes home--with big, tight hugs) I asked him a question that warmed my heart.

Me:  What's the best part of your day today?
Him: You!!!!


Awwwwwww.  I'm so kilig.  We usually ask each other that question when we have "our talk before sleep" and I don't know why I asked it randomly.  It's certainly one of those spontaneous moments.

Today we are celebrating our 45th (wedding) monthsary and he surprised me with a chocolate mousse cake.  And even if he's done tons of surprises to me,  he never gets tired.  His simple gestures make me fall inlove with him over and over.  Everyday, HE makes me fall inlove with him...even after 45 months of being married.

P.S.  This month, we realized that our wedding anniversary next year will be doubly special as we will also celebrate 10 years of knowing each other.   Who would have thought that the man I met on January 2001 will turn out to be my partner and best friend?