Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Less Napkins, More Plants

When I moved to Sydney, I became more aware of how to be more earth-friendly.   Thanks to this country's numerous "green-friendly" advertisements on TV and to my office which has an Eco-Committee, the information I get from them not only made me aware of how we can help save the environment, it also made me a part of taking care of our one and only Earth.
I admit that I USED to hoard pretty looking table napkins from restaurants.  But now, not anymore.  I even get upset when the Husband grabs so many table napkins.  I really cringe and remind him to just get a few and if we need some more, we will just grab some again.

A Friendly Reminder From Starbucks

A few weeks back, I saw Starbucks' great reminder on saving napkins in order to help the environment:

Less napkins.  More plants.  More planet. Less napkins.

So every time you grab those plentiful of napkins, think of the environment too.  Let's us help each other in preserving our environment--it is the only one we have.