Saturday, January 22, 2011

She Just Wants Cake

I asked her what she wanted for her birthday. She said, "I just want cake...a cute, yummy cake."

So I decided to bring her to Adriano Zumbo's Patisserie, which she has been longing to experience. Since she wanted something so simple, I knew I had to give her the best.

When I told her where we would go for her birthday, her face lit up and literally jumped for joy. She reminded me of a child, excited and can't wait for a promise to unfold.

This morning, she woke up early even if she slept late. She said she can't wait to have her cake. Her birthday cake.

And so we went out early. I took her to one of her favorite beaches and made her ride the ferry (which she loved). She enjoyed the sun, the blue waters, the crowd, her birthday lunch and most of all she enjoyed her birthday cake. She couldn't stop smiling when she saw it.

According to her, she had a perfect fun day. Even if she only spent the day with me, she felt very loved by people that matter to her because she received lots of birthday greetings. For her that was enough.

I'm amazed at how she craves for the simplest of things even on her special day when she deserves all the best the world can offer. I feel blessed knowing I have someone like her who always choose the things that matter most rather than the superficial. And the greatest thing about her is that however small a gesture may be, she will make you feel how she truly appreciate you.

Happy birthday, dearest Wife. xoxo *C

She Just Wants Cake