Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The iPad 2 Experience

It took me a long while to be an owner of a tablet.  When Apple launched the 1st generation iPad last year, I mentioned that it's one gadget that I would really want to have.  I planned to buy one then but the Husband suggested that I wait for the 2nd generation to come out.  While the 1st generation is a great product already, I wasn't quite satisfied with it and decided to wait for a better version.

Over time, I also contemplated on whether I should buy a tablet or not; on whether I need it in my life or not.  I remember a plurk buddy who asked if buying an iPad is beneficial.  And I said, "It depends on what you need it for."

Believe it or not, I've always been hesitant in owning gadgets such as smart phones and tablets because that would mean I will have access to the internet all the time.  While I don't find anything wrong with that, I don't like that I'm online all the time.  I know it's ironic especially that I have a blog and I tweet.  When I meet people who read my blog, they have an impression that I'm always online, which is untrue.  I have days in a week when I don't open my computer and stay away from twitter because (1) I'm busy with other things and (2) I give myself rest from online activities because I'm on the computer all day at work.

I have long since accepted that the internet is part of everyone's lifestyle nowadays.  I know that it makes life easier and this year I told myself to just embrace it and stop fighting it from becoming a part of mine.  With the demands of having an online blog and a column for a newspaper, I realized it's reasonable for me to invest in a gadget that will help me in fulfilling these duties.

After Apple launched the iPad, out came other tablets from Samsung, Motorola, HP, Android, HTC, etc.  The Samsung Galaxy Tab seemed handy and user-friendly, it was my 2nd option for a tablet but found it slow.

Late last year, we learned that Apple will launch a 2nd generation iPad so we waited.  I hoped for a lighter and faster iPad with a camera so I can Facetime with loved ones.  Later on, Apple announced that it will be on sale in Australia on 25 March 2011.

It was bad timing for us because we are leaving for a vacation the following week.  The Husband and I contemplated on whether we should buy one before or after our vaycay.  We knew that iPad 2s will ran out of stock the day after it gets launched (it happened with the iPad).  A last minute decision occurred a few days before the launch and the Husband volunteered to dodge work and wait on queue at the Apple Store.

There were other options of course.  The Husband called Big W and was told that they are selling iPad 2s as well.  We knew that Dick Smith and JB Hi-Fi will be selling too.  But for once in his life, he wanted to experience lining up for an Apple product.

On Friday, 25 March 2011, the Husband lined up for an iPad 2 at 12:00 noon.  The queue was already long.  Based on his calculations, it seemed he was between 200-250 people on queue.  I called him every hour and asked questions such as, "Are you safe there?"; "Are you okay?";  "Are the people lining up with you nice?".  I was worried that there would be a riot or something.

I would have taken a half day at work so I can be with him but there were still so many things to do so I just left the office early.  At 4:00pm, I arrived at the Apple Store and a big black cloth covered the ground floor area.  The Apple team were already setting up the place, getting ready for the 5:00pm launch.
iPad 2 Experience

The line around the block from where the Apple store is.
iPad 2 Experience

The queue had to be moved to the other side of the street.  This was Husband's line. 
iPad 2 Experience

According to the Husband, even if the wait was too long, the Apple store made the experience enjoyable.  The Apple store gave water to everyone and lent their umbrellas to those exposed to the sun or rain (it rained in the afternoon).  Krispy Kreme gave out doughnuts and Kit Kat gave away chocolates. For Husband's dinner, I brought burger and chips.
iPad 2 Experience

The Apple staff also talked to the people on queue, asking how they are and if they already know what they will buy.
iPad 2 Experience

Lots of security in placed.  There was no pandemonium, everyone just followed the line and got along with each other.
iPad 2 Experience

At 4:30pm, the Apple staff all came out and festively ran around the queue (at this time, the queue was up to Market Street), gave people high-fives.  It was very entertaining.
iPad 2 Experience

iPad 2 Experience

At 4:45pm, they approached everyone on queue and asked what we want.  When you make a decision right there and then, you can't change your mind anymore.  When you enter the Apple store and suddenly changed your mind, they won't serve you.  After telling them what we wanted, they handed a white card to us which specified the model we chose and a number code.
iPad 2 Experience

At 6:00pm, I had to leave the Husband because I had my farewell dinner with friends.  I felt very guilty but as I said, the iPad 2 launch was very bad timing. 

According to the Husband, he was able to go in the Apple store at 7:30pm.  7 and 1/2 hour wait!  They servee the customers by small batches and once gathered, their orders were presented to them.  After they gave your order to you, they asked if you need help setting it up.  With my Husband, he said, "No, thanks." to the offer because we already have personal accounts with Apple.
iPad 2

The Husband went to the 2nd floor of the store instead and looked for my choice of Smart Cover.  I didn't want the Smart Cover (not impressed by it) but the Husband wanted it so I gave in.

At 8:00pm he sent me a  photo and text message that said, "You new iPad 2!"
iPad 2

After my dinner with friends, I met up with him at Starbucks and we went back to the Apple Store.  We assumed it will still be open as the Apple staff told us they will be open til the last customer is served.

There was still a bit of a long line waiting outside Apple Store.
iPad 2 Experience

Since I only saw the box when we met, I was excited to see and touch the iPad 2.  It is thinner and lighter and it is indeed faster than the first iPad.

The white iPad 2 turned out to be the bestseller and became the first models to ran out of stock.  Almost everyone wanted the white iPad 2. 
iPad 2 Experience

iPad 2 Experience

My souvenir photo of iPad 2's launch in Sydney with the white iPad 2 on the background.  That's a Starbucks tumbler I bought which I will give to a friend in Manila).
iPad 2 Experience

The line at 10:00pm.

iPad 2 Experience

Police still securing the place.  I love that the Apple Store made everyone feel safe during this launch.
iPad 2 Experience

They served the last customer till about 10:30pm. 
The Husband and I felt very happy with our iPad 2 experience (even if I only experienced a fraction of it).  He said it's nice that he got to experience lining up for an Apple product once in his life.  I said I'm glad that other than being a fun experience, it was also a safe one.

So now, we are both enjoying having an iPad 2.  The wait was worth it.
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