Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Watching the Currency Closely

The happenings in Japan is devastating.  My Husband and I had a great day on Friday and when we had coffee before going home, we checked twitter and the news was all over the net--that Japan experienced an earthquake and tsunami.  Plus, there were threats of tsunami in different countries.  We were particularly concerned because there was a tsunami alert in the Philippines and Australia.  Thank goodness, both countries were spared.

While we all know that Japan can rise above all these adversity, it's heartbreaking to watch them suffer.  After the earthquake and tsunami, now there are threats of a nuclear meltdown.  Some businesses have closed and even the world market is suffering too.  While Japan's currency is being watched, we are also monitoring the Australian Dollar, because whatever is happening in other countries, it has an effect on our currency too.  For currency updates especially the Australian Dollar the Husband and I check the Business Spectator

I hope what's happening in Japan ends soon.  And I really wish that all calamities all over the world would just end.  Let's all be safe.