Sunday, July 31, 2011

Things I Love: Meiji Chocolates

Living in Australia would usually mean that some chocolates from around the world may not be locally available here.  Our friends from Manila gets shocked when we tell them that we don't really get to eat some chocolates that we used to have in the Philippines.  

One of the chocolate brands that the Husband and I love is Meiji from Japan.  There may be a store here in Australia that sell this brand that we don't know.  All we know is that we can't simply find Meiji Chocolates in supermarkets.

Sometimes a friend or a relative or ours would travel to Japan and bring back some Meiji goodies. One of my aunts gave us this Meiji chocolate blocks and it was smooth, delicious and addicting.  

When the Husband and I vacationed in Manila in April, we made sure to hoard several Meiji chocolate bars that we can find. 
Things I Love: Meiji Chocolates

Until now we are still enjoying the last few bars we have.  We are trying to control eating our Meiji chocolates at home to hopefully last us until someone comes to visit us from a country that sells Meiji.