Monday, August 8, 2011

The Sweetest Things

It's Monday once again and for most of us, it also means back to the daily grind of tasks and responsibilities.  So how are you feeling this morning?  I know that the usual feelings on Mondays are denial, sleepiness, crankiness and laziness (anything else?).  I sometimes have a variation of all these emotions every Monday morning but I try to snap out of it as quick as I can because I want to arrive to work cheerful and ready to be productive.  

I catch the train every morning to work and during my 45-minute transit I try to come up with some mental exercises to wake my brain up and bring out the positivity in my spirit.  Every morning,  I always think about the happy things that make me feel blessed.    

For this morning, my list consisted of The Sweetest Things that I have shared in Instagram before. My Instagram account (follow me at @ibyang if you have an account and let's share photographs!) has been a repository of random photographs that immortalize special moments of my life.  It's an easy, user-friendly iPhone app that instead of just sharing minute details here in AWCL, I just upload a photo in instagram and voila!  I get to share a significant part of my life in a split second. 

Moving on, here are some Instagram photos that immortalized some of The Sweetest Things that made my heart warm and tender.

One of my BFFs in the Philippines gifted me with these cute grooming set and a Rizal mug.  According to her, she immediately thought of me when she saw this Korean/Japanese-looking grooming set because she knows I love anything Korean.  It was also very timely that she gave me this because I was on the lookout for a grooming set that I could always bring whenever I travel.  This grooming set is now part of my travel make-up bag.

The Sweetest Things

She gave me this Rizal mug years ago since she also knows I'm a Rizal fan.  This mug not only reminds me of my love for Rizal but most importantly, this reminds me how much my BFF and I love coffee.
The Sweetest Things

One of my College BFFs is another person who knows me so well and always seem to give me the cutest, useful things.  This year, she gave me a pair of winter slippers with heart designs (she knows I love the heart symbol).
The Sweetest Things

And this winter season, she gave us the biggest surprise by knitting beanies for us.  Yes, she not only knitted a beanie for me but for the rest of our gang.  So sweet of her and the beanies are sooo cute and colourful!
The Sweetest Things

The Husband's high school friend whom we got to spend time with in April when we were in Manila gave us these lovable His and Her key chains.  The lips of the boy and girl key chain are magnetic so everytime they get close, they "kiss". 
The Sweetest Things

I got to spend time with my youngest cousin two weeks ago and during dinner at their place, he hugged and kissed me all of a sudden.  I asked, "What was that for?".  He replied, "Nothing, I just want to."  Awwwww.  That was simply a precious moment.  I'm glad that even if he has grown up to be a big boy now, he never forgets to make "lambing" (be sweet).  No matter old he gets, in my heart, he will always be my baby cousin.
The Sweetest Things

My High School Barkada (friends) have our own facebook page and that's where we get to plan our get-together(s).  A few of us are living abroad now but thru our page, we get to update each other with statuses and photographs.  Last week, a few of them decided to have dinner on Friday night and all was planned thru comments in facebook.  One of our friends also tweeted about it so when I saw the tweet, I messaged back and told them that I will call them during dinner...and I did.  It was lovely to hear their voices.  It was a comfort and joy to know that even if we're miles apart, there are no walls and awkwardness.  The minute we heard each others' voices on the line, we picked up where we left off and it was instant fun and laughter.  Below is a photo of my coffee date with them before I left Manila.
The Sweetest Things

It's always a treat when there's cake at home and it's always wonderful when the Husband makes the effort of baking it.  On Saturday night, he baked my favourite Vanilla Cake enveloped in Buttercream Icing and topped with Pink and White Sprinkles.  Not only does the thought of having a Husband that bakes my favourite cake makes me feel loved, I'm happy that I get to bring a slice of his cake with me to work, to enjoy during my Monday morning tea.
The Sweetest Things

Wishing you all a week filled with sweet moments!  Happy Monday!