Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Midnight Shopping at KMart

One of the things we miss in Manila are the malls that open til late. Here in Australia, the shops close early (city area at 6:30PM and suburbs at 5:30PM), then each state has their late night shopping (in Sydney, late night shopping is Thursday until 9:00PM).  One of my tips when travelling in Australia: know the business hours of the shop/mall you're in because it sometimes vary.  When you are in Australia, it would always be safe to assume that the malls/shops would close early.

We're lucky that we have KMart which is the only 24-hour store in our suburb. We normally go there on a Friday night after we do grocery shopping.  If we're not dining out with friends on a Friday, we hold our fortnightly grocery shopping on Friday after work so our time for rest, recreation and chores doesn't affect the weekend anymore.  Since KMart is open 24-hours, we'd sometimes drop by and have a feel of shopping at night.

As mentioned in my Elmo The Rockstar post, we visited KMart two Saturdays ago where we had fun playing with toys during the wee hours of morning.  We had dinner at our relatives' place and our little party ended at midnight so we decided to drop by KMart.

We were there until two-ish in the morning but didn't really buy much. We just wandered around and looked at prices of stuff, then compared it to other stores' prices. 

Isn't it nice to shop when there's no one around?
We spent most of our time at the toy section where we get to play with (what else?) toys.  It's so much fun because it was just the two of us and we're like in a big playground only that our toys were arranged in aisles haha.

The Husband saw these Angry Birds stuff toys in different sizes--Small, Medium & Large.  Here are the small ones we found.

These are the medium-sized Angry Birds. 

The Husband really really really likes them so we bought the medium-sized red Angry Bird.  If you squeeze the head part of the toy, you'll hear the sound it makes in the game.

I, on the other hand, found the Care Bears Movie DVD and it was less than AUD10.00, so I bought it.  I just can't resist something that reminds me of my childhood.

Even if it was already late, we went home feeling happy and rejuvenated..and not sleepy at all.  Hanging out at a shop in the wee hours of morning with my favourite playmate in the world is so much fun.