Monday, January 30, 2012

Discovered Inspirations: Create a Charmed Life in 2012

Belated Kung Hei Fat Choi to everyone!  As a belated New Year post, I would like to share with you my first article for Ang Kalatas entitled, "CREATE A CHARMED LIFE IN 2012".  

Although we will say hello to month of February in two days (how time flies!), any day is a good day to create a charmed life.  So here are some tips I would like to share with you:

Everyday Living:
Start your day with a prayer, meditation or 10-minute silence. These activities guarantee a strong and centered spirit.
Never leave the house without making the bed. Tidy up the bed as soon as you wake up and it will surely give you a sense of accomplishment knowing that the first chore of the day is done.
When you wake up and look in the mirror, decide there and then that you are beautiful. Believe it and you will look it.
Never skip meals especially breakfast. It’s not worth having ulcers or any other internal bodily disorders just for the sake of looking sexy or skinny. Moderation to eating is always the key, not starvation to death.
Exercise! Physical activity assists in blood circulation and releases a neurotransmitter called Endorphins which aids in lowering the blood pressure and has been found useful in the fight against cancer.
Start the day with happy thoughts. If feeling a little flat or low or not-so-good, TRY, it will ease the gloominess somehow.
Write a journal with emphasis on two things: (1) Things I Learned Today and (2) Things I am Grateful for Today. When you have days when you feel depressed or sad, just read your past entries and it will surely make you realize that given unhappy circumstances, you are still blessed.
If feeling depressed or sad can’t be helped, just accept that there are days like these and you just have to go through them as gradually or as fast as you can. Give yourself some time to get things over with; however, it is not advisable to wallow for a long time.
Be friends with everyone you interact with—or at least be friendly (no need to be a snub). Everyone refers to people in your neighbourhood, the service staff of the restaurant you dine in, the attendant in the department store, etc.

Travel once or twice a year, alone or with family or friends. Not only will you have a chance to relax but it will also give you the opportunity to re-connect with yourself (if alone) or your family or friends.
Learn something new. Attend pottery/art/photography/dance/coffee making classes—or whatever interests you. You may also want to learn a new language in preparation for your upcoming travel (e.g., a friend of mine enrolled himself to learn how to speak Spanish in preparation for his travel to Bolivia).
If you can’t travel, read travel books…this activity will help you enlarge your world.
You need not travel far in order to relax. Have a staycation! Spend a weekend at a nice hotel and just hang out the by the pool to de-stress. This will also be a good time to avail of the hotel’s spa services.

Maintaining Relationships:
The key is to spend time with family and friends and most importantly with you.
Have weekly or monthly dinners with friends.
Have weekly dates with your significant other.
Celebrate little milestones. It doesn’t necessarily have to be an expensive dining out experience. Little milestones can be celebrated by having pizza night or sushi night.
Be there for family, relatives and friends by attending their parties (take note: you should be invited of course)
Never ever leave a sour note with a loved one. End fights as soon as possible. Time is precious and it’s never wise to spend it angry with a loved one.
Tell your loved ones that you love or miss them. Even if action speaks louder than words, our loved ones would still appreciate it if they hear us say the words “I love you” or “I miss you.”
Let our loved ones know that we appreciate them. Always say “Thank you.”

Financial Aspect:
Save, save, save.
Live simply. Live within your means and always be practical when acquiring things you want.
Aside from putting some of your money to savings, you may also opt to set up funds like a Christmas Fund, Birthday/Anniversary Fund, Travel Fund, Emergency Fund, etc.
I hope these tips will help you become a better “YOU.” Remember to focus on the positive side of things and always treat challenges as an avenue for learning as that is the best way to living a life of charmed experiences.

Let’s all have a charmed life!

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