Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The V8 Cake by Adriano Zumbo

I'm a Vanilla person--from ice cream, dessert, food and even perfume--I love the scent and taste of Vanilla.  I've lusted for Adriano Zumbo's V8 Cake since it got featured in Masterchef and wished to the heavens that one day I will get to eat it.  However, the whole V8 cake's price is too steep for me (AUD$125.00!) so I can't, for the love of my stinginess, spend all that money just for a cake. 

Thankfully, Zumbo made small V8 cakes and had it available in his patisserie.  A visit to Zumbo's branch at The Star led me to buying a AUD$10 V8 cake and bringing it home to share with the Husband. 
The V8 Cake by Adriano Zumbo

It is called V8 Cake because it consists of 8 layers of Vanilla.  EIGHT LAYERS OF VANILLA!!!!

Vanilla crème chantilly
Toasted vanilla brulee
Vanilla water gel
Vanilla ganache
Vanilla macaron
Vanilla dacquoise
Vanilla chiffon cake
Vanilla almond crunch
The V8 Cake by Adriano Zumbo

Sounds good, aye?  I cut it open to see the inside of the cake and it reminded me of the Philippines' Sans Rival cake. 

The V8 Cake by Adriano Zumbo

After the inspecting the innards, the Husband and I devoured the small but indulgent cake.  I was in Vanilla heaven, baby! Such a beautifully created dessert. A myriad of textures inside your mouth but a harmony of all things vanilla.

It's very sweet that I felt intoxicated.  I'm glad we were only finishing a small cake.  As much as I love vanilla-flavoured desserts, my taste buds have a limit as to how much sweetness it can take.  The small cake left me satiated and not overwhelmed.

I hope they continue to make small V8 cakes so I can always get them from their patisserie should I crave for it again.

V8 Cakes are available at Adriano Zumbo Patisserie