Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Discovered Inspirations: Change

After our clan's mini-reunion and my Mum's vacation in Sydney (she went back to Manila last Saturday), I am much more inspired to make a few changes in my life.  I can't pinpoint what it was but seeing my family has given me new insights and motivation to do better and be better.  Being with them has grounded me, gave me better perspectives and a new direction.  The past six weeks has humbled me and made me more grateful for the blessings I/we have.  At the same time, I realized that some things in our life needs a bigger improvement, hence, a change is in order.

The Husband and I had a good talk about this and I'm glad he is eager to take that chance for change with me.  We are taking little steps here and there.  A big change may not happen soon but we find comfort in the knowledge that our little sacrifices now will be fully realized later on.