Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Embrace 2013: Sydney's New Year Message

"Sydney is the New Year’s Eve Capital of the World. 
There is no better place to countdown a New Year." 
- Lord Mayor Clover Moore

Happy New Year from Sydney! 

This year's theme is EMBRACE.

"Embrace" reflects a positive attitude of openness and connection. It is about acceptance and tolerance, the past and the future, warmth and love. It is the bringing together of elements, where each is influenced by the other, yet all still retain their individuality and integrity.

In a city of great diversity, we come together at NYE to embrace the future in a unified celebration of all that we are and the potential that tomorrow holds for every one of us.

Whether it’s embracing new ideas, change and opportunities or just giving a big hug to our family and friends, it’s an inclusive theme that everyone can get involved in.

From this overarching theme stems four subthemes, each representing a facet of the grander design. Locals and visitors to the city on New Year’s Eve are encouraged to Embrace Love, Embrace the Moment, Embrace the Possibility and Embrace Sydney as part of their celebrations. These subthemes reflect the positive spirit of the New Year, the opportunities that the future holds for everyone, as well as the warmth and generosity of Sydney’s people.