Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Our 6th Anniversary

A day before we celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary, we were at the Sydney Opera House watching Liz Gilbert's talk (I will write about it soon) . The Husband was a bit uncomfortable when we arrived at the concert hall because the attendees were mostly female but nevertheless he enjoyed it. At the end of the talk, Liz Gilbert came out to sign book and have a photograph with us. I have always been shy to ask for a photograph with a famous person but the Husband encouraged me to have a photo with Liz because he knew that it meant a lot to me. So I did get my photo with Liz and I glowed all the more with happiness.

If there is one thing I will tell you when it comes to finding your life partner is this: I hope you find someone who will do anything to make you glow with happiness. I hope you find someone who'll willingly take a step back in order for you to shine. I hope you find someone who will see what you're capable of and encourage you to grow. I have always said that love should always bring out the best in you. I've known my Husband for a total of 11 years now and what I said then about love is still true to me. When you're loving each other the right way, you become the best person you are. 

After six years of being married, a few things have changed between the two of us, with how we view life and how we live life. But a lot of things remain unchanged: our values, our faith, the way we protect our little family, our friendship, the special people who make our married life more beautiful, the circumstances that makes us love each other more. If there are any changes in our lives, it is always a good change (if not better). We are grateful, always grateful. 

We had a quiet anniversary celebration in Sydney this year. Liz Gilbert's talk is not really a "romantic" kind of date but since we're out on the eve of our 6th anniversary, we made it special but having afternoon tea at Guylian Cafe. The Husband had coffee and I had a cup of hot chocolate.
Our 6th Anniversary Celebration
Our 6th Anniversary Celebration
We had their Salted Caramel Macarons which wasn't as good as other macarons.
Our 6th Anniversary Celebration
And shared a cake called Caramelt which was soooo good. It's Hazelnut Mousse with caramel ganache and chocolate cacao sponge coating with caramelised Toffee. 
Our 6th Anniversary Celebration
After the talk, we had dinner at Searock Grill
Our 6th Anniversary Celebration
A refreshing glass of Mojito for me.
Our 6th Anniversary Celebration
The Husband had Steak Frites which consisted of juicy rump steak topped with Cafe de Paris butter and sidings of salad and pomme frites.
Our 6th Anniversary Celebration
On the other hand, I enjoyed a plate of Crispy Pork Belly drizzled in caramelised black vinegar. It came with green papaya salad and fried shallots.
Our 6th Anniversary Celebration
We loved our dinner even if we weren't really prepared to eat out that night. The plan was to just to have a quiet dinner at home. But we changed our minds the last minute because of the party vibe in Circular Quay. The quiet and cozy ambience of Searock Grill lured us into their restaurant and we were lucky that they served good food.

The following day, the 20th January, our anniversary, was spent in church and then Yum Cha lunch right after. Another fortunate accident was being seated near the TV which played the Australian Open. We enjoyed the food and the game while talking.
After our hearty lunch, it was business as usual since it was a Sunday. We went around the shops for a bit and did grocery shopping.

Our non-fussed anniversary celebration--fun and relaxed, the way we want it to be.