Friday, May 10, 2013

Back To Our Life In Sydney

We arrived in Sydney on the last week of April after three weeks of vacation in Manila and Seoul. As always, it was a vacation worth remembering, filled with love and warmth from family and friends, going back to our roots, reliving the things we love doing in our motherland and of course, discovery and exploration of new places and gastronomical indulgences. It was wonderful. It was beautiful. We left Manila with an ache for the people we will miss. We left Seoul with a longing to come back there again one day.

On the Autumn morning we arrived back home, Sydney welcomed us with the lovely Sun shyly peeking from the horizon with orange, pink and blue hues shining brightly around it. 
We have a lot to be grateful for from our vacation. In the coming days, I hope to sit down and gather my thoughts about it. On our first week back, I've been busy getting well from a cough I got on my last few days in Manila, sorting out our things and getting back to normal. This week, I started work on Monday and still chasing away a few more of my post holiday blues. 

While it feels like such a looooong workweek for me, I'm glad to be back at work as it has helped stabilized my equilibrium. I'm slowly finding my centre once again. I think there is no easy way of getting over a wonderful holiday. You just have to accept the ache that goes with it once it's over, move on with life and look forward to the next one.

Have a lovely weekend ahead!