Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Dry Skin Brushing Experience

One of the healthy habits I discovered this year was dry brushing of the skin. A beauty blog has led me to information about it and while I was open to trying it out, it took me some time to finally buy my first dry brush and making it a habit. 

What is Dry Brushing? It is a way of exfoliating the skin by using just a brush. No water needed. It aids in the detoxification of the body's lymphatic system.
I purchased a dry brush when I was in Manila last April. I found a reasonably-priced dry brush at Watsons (not more than P500.00) and it was only here in Sydney that I started using it. 

Did I like using it? Yes. My skin immediately adjusted to the bristles of the brush. It was neither hard nor soft, it just had enough roughness to exfoliate the skin. 

Effects on My Skin and Body. After a few days of dry brushing, I noticed my stretchmarks have disappeared and my cellulites have reduced. I noticed too that even if it's Winter now, I don't suffer from too much dryness of skin. 

When and How Often Do I Dry Brush? I dry brush before I take a shower and I try to do it everyday. Although on some days I can't because I woke up late and rushing in the morning to go to work BUT I try to do it as regularly as possible.

Let me share with you a few things I learned about dry brushing:

Benefits of Dry Brushing

  • Removes dead layers of skin and other outer impurities.
  • Stimulates and increases blood circulation.
  • Helps release fatty deposits under your skin’s surface.
  • Assists the eliminative capacity of your body’s organs.
  • Rejuvenates your cells.
  • Strengthens your immune system.
  • Increases muscle tone.
  • Improves skin texture.
  • Helps prevent premature ageing.

How To Dry Brush: 

  1. Begin with your feet and brush vigorously in circular motions.
  2. Continue brushing up your legs.
  3. Proceed to your hands and arms.
  4. Brush your entire back and abdomen area, shoulders and neck.
  5. Use circular counter-clockwise strokes on the abdomen.
  6. Use light pressure on the breasts and any other sensitive areas.
  7. Brush upwards on the back and down from the neck. Better yet, have a friend, spouse or family member brush your back.
A short video I found which shows the proper way of dry skin brushing:
Some Tips:
  • You will need a brush with soft natural bristles for dry brushing. Do not use synthetic bristles. Buy one that has a longer handle so it'll be easier to reach your back and sides.
  • Make sure that the dry brushing is done softly in the initial stages so that soreness is avoided. 
  • Application of a little more pressure can be done as your skin gets used to dry brushing.
  • Your skin and brush should be dry. Shower after skin brushing to remove exfoliated skin.
  • Do not do any dry brushing over cuts, wounds or rashes.
  • Begin by brushing the outermost parts of your body (hands and feet) towards the center of your body.
  • Pass the brush once over your body, except the face.
  • The brush strokes should move towards your heart. This improvement in blood circulation is why so many people feel extremely refreshed after an energetic session of dry brushing.
  • It is only when you are dry brushing your stomach that you are going to apply clockwise brushing movements.
  • Slight flushing of the skin is normal, due to increased circulation. The skin should not be red or irritated, if it is you're using too much pressure.
  • The entire process should only take one to two minutes.
  • Clean the brush meticulously after every brushing session.
  • If your skin is extremely dry, rub some oil into it after you have brushed it and showered. 

Have you tried dry skin brushing? If so, what effects did you experience after dry brushing your skin?