Tuesday, October 1, 2013

September on Ibyangram

Ibyang + Instagram = Ibyangram
While my instagram photos are shared on my twitter page and sometimes on my tumblr and fb page, I would like to have a monthly dump of ibyangrams on AWCL too. It is thru instagram that I share everyday moments and random finds. I use instagram as my real time mini-blog. Every end of the month, I'll be choosing a couple of photos from my instagram and share it here because I have something more to say about a certain ibyangram.

September was such a busy month! But wow, it was one of our most productive yet. Work took so much of our time for the past weeks that even on weekends, we have committed our Sundays to a project we're working on together. It also involved doing something for the community: voting on the national elections and being called for jury duty. September was a festive month too! We were blessed to quietly celebrate the Husband's birthday and Mooncake Festival at home, plus spend time with friends whom we haven't seen in ages. 
Sorry for the not-so-regular posts. I have days wherein the word "hectic" is an understatement. I face challenging tasks at work which sometimes result to long hours that whatever's left of my night, I spend it doing important chores at home and de-stressing (either I walk on the treadmill or curl up in bed with a book). Blogging is still one of my favourite habits. I feel incomplete when I don't get to sit down and write. Writing is one of my creative outlets and it's something that I terribly miss when I never get to do it.  

Good news though, one of the things the Husband and I are busy with involves this blog too. We bought the domain www.awifescharmedlife.com a year ago and this year, we decided to do something about it. Hubby and I are currently designing the site and maybe finally launch it before the year ends. I hope you watch out for that because we are working very hard in making the design of www.awifescharmedlife.com as attractive and user-friendly as possible.
So that's a little heads-up on what I'm up to. I have so much to write about, I hope you bear with some blog inactivity on some days. I hope these September Ibyangrams will help make up for days I never get to publish a blog post. Enjoy and I hope your September was fabulous too. Let's welcome October with delight!

Having a drink on a Thursday. With the boss' consent, we head to the pub for some Apple Cider after our department's quarterly meeting. 
Early Voter. We had the national elections scheduled on the 7th September but in order to get the task out of the way and avoid the big crowd on election day, I went to a polling precinct on a weekday and voted early. During elections, voters are given an option to vote early, either by sending their vote via postal forms or going to a polling precinct two weeks prior to election.
Surronded by Love. It's a gift when you feel loved when you're with your best girlfriends. 
Jury Duty. This was a source of anxiety for me that clouded my mind for days. I was anxious because I don't want to be picked as a jury due to work. I was anxious because it was my first experience to be called for jury duty; I have no idea what happens in court. On the day I came to court, I was nervous. Luckily, all cases that day pleaded guilty so we were all sent home. We have served our duty for the day and all we did was wait to be called. Although it never came to the point where I became a jury for a case, it was still an unforgettable experience.
Hubby's Birthday Cakes.The Husband wanted a very quiet celebration and that's what I tried to give him....and cakes! I gifted him with four cakes!  Michel's Vanilla Sponge Cake, Max Brenner's Chocolate Souffle, Adriano Zumbo's Malt & Teaser Cake and of course Moon Cake! haha. 
Our first TV's last night at home. We bought this reliable TV from a friend for only AUD$250.00 and it has served us well for the past four years. I was sentimental to let it go simply because it was our first TV. It's presence in our home reminds us of how we began our married life together. 
The Smart TV is smarter than me. The old TV was replaced by a smart TV which left me in awe when I saw it. It's huge, can record TV shows, has a 3D feature, has WI-FI so I can use apps in watching stuff on TV, connect to social media via apps, use it for Skpe, read blogs. I love it! 
I was once a cheerdancer. I got tagged in FB by a former mate in college to one of our cheerdancing photos so I shared it in instagram too. One of the best times of my life. Being an athlete taught me the value of discipline, teamwork, camaraderie and help others develop their potential. Most of all, I found friendships that lasted beyond the competitions we participated in.
Philippine Tourism Ad under Sydney's blue skies. Always makes me smile when I chance upon these ads from the Philippines.
Seeing Something Pretty. Our first time to be at Ryde Park and I saw this pretty structure with the blue skies as backdrop. 
Yummy Desserts at My Goddaughters' Parties. Kids parties are always fun even for the kids-at-heart like me. Such parties are a good excuse to indulge in delicious cakes. 
Tweethearts Reunion. Yup, it definitely felt like a reunion of sorts because we haven't seen each other for a while. So happy to caught up with my lovely friends. 
Fancy Meeting Vera. Social media has definitely made the world smaller. Vera is one of my IG mates and it turned out we have a common friend in Sydney. We were introduced at my goddaughter's party and I found out we lived in the same area. Yay! :)
The Husband and I. Sometimes we go home from an event with no photo of us! Most of the time, we're busy taking photos during events that we never thought to have a photo together. We're glad our friend was able to take a photo of us at a party we attended. 
My Peace Lily now has two flowers. And they blossomed in time for Spring!
Stop and smell the roses...even if busy. No matter how tired I may be when I go home from work, I take time to appreciate the little things that make the world pretty. Thank God for flowers!
Pine Trees by the beach. Early morning breakfast at Brighton-Le-Sands. Such a relaxing view.
Trees Make Me Happy. I love them! 
Sunshine on our Cuppas. Saturday morning, out on a beach with my favourite person in the world. 
Boiled eggs and sweet potatoes to get us thru an all-nighter. We had a working weekend on the last weekend of September. The Husband and I sometimes take in design projects that we do on top of our 9-5 jobs. It makes our life crazy sometimes but we enjoy it. Last Saturday, we had to work til wee hours of morning as we needed to present something to the client on Sunday. We pulled it thru and the client was happy with our efforts. Whew!
And that was September for us. It was an overwhelming month for us but we're grateful for busy but rewarding days.