Sunday, April 6, 2014

March on Ibyangram

Ibyang + Instagram = Ibyangram
While my instagram photos are shared on my twitter page and sometimes on my tumblr and fb page, I would like to have a monthly dump of ibyangrams on AWCL too. It is thru instagram that I share everyday moments and random finds. I use instagram as my real time mini-blog. Every end of the month, I'll be choosing a couple of photos from my instagram and share it here because I have something more to say about a certain ibyangram.
While my instagram photos are shared on my twitter page and sometimes on my tumblr and fb page, I would like to have a monthly dump of ibyangrams on AWCL too. It is thru instagram that I share everyday moments and random finds. I use instagram as my real time mini-blog. Every end of the month, I'll be choosing a couple of photos from my instagram and share it here because I have something more to say about a certain ibyangram.
March seemed to passed me by so quickly. Maybe because it was a month of transitioning back to our normal routines in Sydney. The month of March was filled with unpacking our stuff,  sorting things out in the home, getting my rhythm back at work and seeing loved ones too. Then there's getting over our wonderful Japan adventure. We miss Japan. We miss travelling. Instead of daydreaming, the Husband and I used our time creating photobooks out of our Instagram photos (I'll share them soon). 

A few highlights on my Instagram feed:

Art inside Narita International Airport. The first day of March meant the end of our two-week holiday in Japan and going home to Sydney. Our flight was scheduled at 2pm but we went to Narita Airport in the morning. We had breakfast and lunch there and went around the shops before we boarded. The flight back home made me a bit sick because it was stuffy (something must have been wrong with Korean Air's plane's airconditioning) so when we had a layover at Incheon Airport, I was kind of out of whack and can't wait to arrive home.
Back home in Sydney on the second day of March. Loved ones welcomed us with a delicious lunch and then capped it off with Tim Tam & Adriano Zumbo collaboration flavours. 
Going thru a few keepsakes from Japan as we have coffee (we missed our Nespresso!) and biscuits.
A little treat in the middle of a workweek. Marshmallow Pops in Nutty Sea Salt Caramel, a delicious find in Hunter Valley.
Received our first IG photobook which holds our Kyoto, Nara and Osaka photos. Here's the Husband who's very happy to see the results of our creative efforts.
Tried to be creative by turning this pretty washi tape into a border and pasted a "happy birthday" cutout in the middle.
Australia celebrates Harmony Day - a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home. The message of Harmony Day is Everyone Belongs - from the traditional owners of this land, our first people who represent a continuous living culture of more than 60,000 years, to the 300 cultural groups who have recently made Australia their home.
Phoenix dinner with the Husband. My fortune on top, Husband's fortune at the bottom.
On a Friday off from work so I get to have proper breakfast: Chicken & Spinach Arrozcaldo, Omelette & a cup of Nespresso Decaffeinato.
The best way to get rid of travel blues is to see dear friends. So glad that our social calendar were pre-occupied due to special people having their birthdays.

85th Birthday of my Grandma. A whole day of celebrating the life of my Grandma with family.

We've done well, month of March. Hello, April! :)