Sunday, June 22, 2014

June's Long Weekend

The start of winter, the start of June, always gives us a long weekend due to the celebration of the Queen's Birthday. I find it fortunate that we get a few days off to get our bodies adjust to the cold weather. My biggest challenge during Winter is getting out of bed in the mornings. Long weekends mean more mornings to sleep in. 

The Queen's Birthday falls on the first Monday of June. The Husband and I decided to make the long weekend longer by taking Friday off too.  So we had four days of break and it was a good decision because we really missed being on holidays. 

I started the long weekend by having coffee with a mate from work. I seldom hang out with workmates and it's refreshing to mingle with them once in a while.
Friday was spent having brunch and shopping in IKEA with girlfriends. We took our time and leisurely hung out in IKEA's food court and picked up a few things we fancied in the kitchen and home section. It was so fun shopping with the girls. 
Friday evening was spent at our relatives' place. My aunt hosted a party for her friends and we got invited. The Husband and I helped in making Taho (sweet tofu with caramel and pearls). We stayed until after midnight, chatting with my grandma, aunt and cousins.
Saturday was spent at home. Facetimed with my Mom while I had my coffee. Ate and slept the whole day. 

Woke up early on Sunday for mass and afterwards, Hubby took me to Coco Cubano for breakfast. It's a luxury for us to have time to go out on Sundays and spend an hour or two at a cafe. It mostly happens only when we have long weekends.
The Husband enjoyed his favourite Havana Feast which consisted of bacon, eggs and chorizo on a bed of sourdough toast.
While I had their Vegan Pancakes with Berry Compote and Maple Syrup. So delicious. 
We slept in on Monday and savoured our time at home. It wasn't a complete day of rest as we prepared for the workweek and did our usual house chores. The extra day at home gave me the chance to de-clutter a part of our closet. I was able to sort out and organise our undershirts, socks, tights and leg warmers for Winter. 

We returned to work on Tuesday morning. And although, the weather was rainy and gloomy, we didn't complain. Instead, we're just grateful for the four day break we had.