Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Christmas Wish List (2008)

Since I started writing down my Christmas Wish List last year, I might as well continue on with this tradition.

Just like last year, I will be specific with my wish list. I will start with the most important thing that anyone can give to me:

From ANYONE who knows me (family, relatives, friends and online buddies--here and abroad), if you ever think of me this Christmas, don't buy me a Christmas card or gift, instead I encourage you to do any one of these:

  • add P30.00 (if you live in the Phils) or $10.00 (those living abroad) in the Christmas Mass Offertory
  • give a bag of groceries to your parish church or to a less fortunate family in your neighborhood
  • sort out your closet and gather up the clothes and shoes you don't wear anymore and donate it to an institution or orphanage
  • cook a simple merienda and ask some of the less fortunate kids in your neighborhood to join you.
  • give a cash donation to a foundation of your choice.

This was also my wish last year, only that I added the last bit about a cash donation to a foundation of your choice, and only that it is now first on my wishlist.

I honestly, am not yearning (or desiring--you know, like sobrang gustong-gusto ko) for any material thing this Christmas. I'd rather that we do a good deed and make someone happy this season and that will be enough for me.

From Myself

  • The gift of learning - one of my goals this year is (was?) to enrol in a coffee school but I still haven't done it but I really am determined to enrol as soon as the "hectic-ness" of my life subsides
  • The gift of inner peace and healing - I have faced so many nerve-wrecking challenges this year and a part of my heart and sanity has been very very hurt so I'm praying that my inner peace comes back and for the healing of my heart.

In terms of material thing, I have no idea what to give to myself. It has been my tradition to reward myself something during Christmas but as I've said, I'm not yearning enough for something to push me to buy anything for myself. We'll see. Pwede rin naman delayed ang gift ko sa sarili ko.

From Chris

This is one matter that hasn't been resolved yet! There are a couple of options that he's offered to give me but *sigh* (here we go again) I don't have that certain desire to want something so bad. Last Sunday, we were discussing (how tedious is that? hehe) about it because the issue is I always say "I don't need it." But then the truth of the matter is, it's Christmas and it's okay to just "want" and not "need". Bahala na, I still have time to think about it. His offers, by the way, includes an iPod (nano coz it's the only kind of iPod i want anyway), an iPhone, a Wii or a Canon point and shoot.

From My Parents

  • Commitment to being healthy.
  • For them to visit us next year.

From my relatives and friends here in Sydney--kung trip nyo talaga akong bigyan, you can choose from these:

  • aromatheraphy candles
  • diffusers
  • anything for the house

So there, my wishlist.

Advance Happy Christmas! Hope all your wishes come true!