Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Great Find: Sandwich Container

Last month, some bloggers and I were sharing tips on how to effectively wrap sandwiches (click here.)

Since I lived here in Australia, I learned to like wrapping our sandwiches in aluminum foil, it's easier to wrap sandwiches and it never makes it soggy. However, I also know that aluminum foil is not environment-friendly and can be costly.

During the Christmas Holidays, I finally found a solution to wrapping sandwiches...

...a Plastic Sandwich Container!!!!!!

I found this in the Chinese Store for only AUD$2.00. It's microwave safe and re-usable. What joy to find a cheap alternative to wrapping sandwiches.

This sandwich container can hold two sandwiches. Not bad huh?

I started using it last week and I'm happy to say that leaving my sandwiches inside the sandwich container does not leave it soggy and it prevents my sandwich from being squeezed in-between stuff inside my bag. And best part is, it lessens the use of aluminum foil in our home, so less costs for the household.