Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekend Snapshot: Friday Dinner Date with the Husband

Husband and I met up after work on Friday to do a little bit of grocery shopping. Hungry and tired after the task, we decided to have dinner before going home.

Usually we'd eat at a food court but last Friday, I was craving for two things: (1) Caesar Salad (which I always crave for during Summer season--I don't know why!) and (2) a place where we can have a quiet meal, away from crowds. So from Town Hall station, we walked a bit and saw this cute and cozy cafe, Caffe Di Gabriel.
The cafe is a bit new. They have these beautiful chandeliers and I find it cute.
This was my fave chandelier in the cafe.

Now for the food. Husband and I both shared their Fettucini Amantriano (can't exactly remember the name) and Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad.

The Fettucini Amantriano was good. I loved it. It's similar to Arrabiata.

The Caesar Salad's also good. A bit different from the Caesar Salads' I've tried, no bacon strips or bits but instead it has this big bacon on top of the salad. Toasted bread was oily, methinks it's been fried(?) but that's just me. And it didn't have croutons--so I love it!!!

The Husband loved the food too and was elated to know that the cafe has free Wi-Fi. Yay!
We enjoyed the dinner immensely not only because of the food. It's only been a week after the New Year but we're full on working on a lot of stuff (work-wise and household-wise) so sometimes even if at home, we talk "business" most times these days. There are several things that we hope to happen on the first half of this year, so we're working things out now so it does happen (fingers crossed!). So the dinner did us good. Husband and I were so busy during the week, it was good to catch up, sit back and just talk.