Monday, May 17, 2010

Five Blessings on a Monday Morning

I know, I's Monday once again.

But before we enumerate the reasons why we'd rather be somewhere else but at work, I'll share with you one exercise I do in order to help me feel better about going back to work after a great weekend.

As soon as I'm at the office and before I dive into work, I take a few moments to count five (5) blessings in my life.

This morning, the first five (5) blessings that came into my mind were the following:

1. My Husband and I starting the day together inside the train on our way to work.

2. A job that I really love.

3. Monday---I love Mondays because it's the start of the workweek and I like starting it at the office--yes, most of the time I really do.

4. A new week! A new week means a chance to start fresh, to forget about troubles from the past week, a reminder to move on. Don't you just love beginnings? I do!!!

5. That I had a great week! I was able to find time to rest, bake a cake on my own for the first time (promise, no help from the Husband), cooked hamburgers that tasted good and did some personal errands. On top of that, my Husband & I were able to accomplish a rush job to create a wedding AVP for Saturday (no sleep on Friday night just to beat the Saturday 10:30am call time--super stress!!!). Busy weekend but I had some down time to rest and relax.

This habit of mine gives me inspiration to face my Monday with a smile. It helps me start the day and week at work in a positive perspective.

Try it! Tell me what you're grateful for on this lovely Monday morning.

For a few more tips on how to have a happier Monday, please click here.

Wishing you a great week ahead!