Thursday, May 13, 2010

Some Days Can Be Tough, But It Will Always Be Alright

Tough days.

Busy days.

We all have days like these.

Days when we’d rather curl up in bed, sleep and just wake up when the tides are over. 

It’s always tempting to be lazy when I’m having these kinds of days.

But instead of being lazy, I force myself to get up from my cozy bed.

Take a shower to wake up all of my sleeping nerves.

Dress up nicely and put my lipstick on.

Yes, amidst the struggle, it is during these times when I put more effort in dressing up.

And yes, putting lipstick on is always a pick-upper for me.  I don’t know why or how, but it works. 

To look good is to feel good, maybe.

On days when responsibilities and challenges seem to be raining down on me, that’s when I double my efforts in saying to myself, “I can do this”.

Over and over again, I would affirm it.

I believe that tough days shall pass.

But moreover, I’m a believer that when tides are turning, something better will come out of it.

So I make sure I’m there to see moments unfold before me even if things can be overwhelming.

And I smile and enjoy the moment I'm.

Some days can be tough....but I know it will ALWAYS be alright.
