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Sunday, September 30, 2012

September Surprise: A Very Early Christmas Pressie

Last year, the Husband surprised with an iPhone 4s. Last Friday, he surprised me with a MacBook Air!

It was just a matter of time until I get a new laptop, I just didn't know when. I've always been a Windows user and have been happy being one. I'm just a simple girl really when it comes to computers. There's a non-techie part of me that will always be terrified at learning new technology. The Husband has been encouraging me to switch to an Apple laptop but I've always hesitated. 

This year, I gave my netbook to my dad so for the past few months, I've been writing and doing photography tasks using a desktop computer and an iPad. However, this year, it's been quite a challenge doing tasks via our desktop because we've been using it to watch TFC Online (we've subscribed so we can watch Filipino shows and news). So I had to think about getting a new laptop again so I can catch up on my blogging and other digital projects I've been conceptualising for the past months. Along with the thinking, I've been saving up money in case I do decide to buy one. Lately, the road seemed to have led me to buy a MacBook Air as it answers to a lot of my needs.

Last Friday, we head down to the city and went to the Apple Store. I've decided to get the MacBook Air (MBA) but I was also ready to walk out the Apple Store empty-handed in case my gut feel tells me otherwise. I didn't know the Husband was brewing something in his mind while I fiddled with the MBA. His instagram below said it all...

So we talked to one of the Apple genuises about purchasing an MBA and willingly accommodated us. He told us that if we decide to buy, we can just go to the counter and they'll get our purchase ready for check-out. We went to the 2nd level of the store and had a look at accessories and when we're ready to go, we stopped by the counter and that's when the Husband started talking to the staff. 

He was getting a MacBook Air!!!  And then he told me, "This is your Christmas gift!" I was shocked, surprised, overwhelmed and elated when I heard what he said.  Oh wow!!!!  :) :) :)

Like a kid, giddy and giggly when I got my MacBook Air. 
September Surprise: A Very Early Christmas Pressie
September Surprise: A Very Early Christmas PressieSeptember Surprise: A Very Early Christmas Pressie

That evening at home, the Husband gave me a crash course on how to navigate the MBA. Oh ha? Si Husband, benefactor na, trainer pa! LOL. 

Right now, I'm still in awe of the Husband's surprise and in happy disbelief that I'm writing this post using my new writing partner, the MacBook Air

Happy Mooncake Festival!

One of the staple traditions we have at home is celebrating Mooncake Festival. For years, even before when we were dating, we've always enjoyed this occasion as we both love eating mooncakes. This afternoon, we had mooncakes with a cup of Nespresso Cappuccino. The Husband made mine more frothy and I love it! 
Happy Mooncake Festival!

Bought the Casahana mooncakes this year. I got attracted to their pretty and good quality boxes which I thought would be nice storage boxes. 
Happy Mooncake Festival!
Happy Mooncake Festival!

The box we got contained two flavours of mooncakes. The first one was Pandan Delight which had a delicious egg inside it. It was sweet, moist and had a tinge of saltiness from the egg. 
Happy Mooncake Festival!
Happy Mooncake Festival!

The second mooncake was the Toffee Coconut. It was sweet as chocolate and had nuts all over. 
Happy Mooncake Festival!
Happy Mooncake Festival!
I'm glad that makers of mooncakes are becoming more creative with combining flavours. These two flavours from Casahana were truly a hit with us.

What flavour of mooncake did you enjoy this year?

Style Musings: Colour Blocked Sunday

Sundays are made for laidback dressing especially when you are spending some quiet time at a park with loved ones. One sunny but still cold day in August (it was the last week of winter), we head out and had a picnic brekky at a park. It was an opportunity to wear something more minimal like a blue hooded-vest to partner with my bright yellow knitted shirt. Blue and yellow is one of my favourite colour blocking combinations as it reminds me of blue skies and the Sun.
Style Musings: Colour Blocked
_MStyle Musings: Colour BlockedG_5036
Style Musings: Colour Blocked
Style Musings: Colour Blocked
Blue Hooded-Vest: Giordano
Yellow Knitted Shirt: Valley Girl
Jeans: Levi's
Shoes: Keds 
Accessories: LeSportSac bag and yellow Pearl earrings

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Happy Coffee Day!

September 29 is International Coffee Day so this morning we celebrated by having cupcakes from the Cupcake Bakery with our Nespresso coffees. 
Happy International Coffee Day!

Happy International Coffee Day!
Happy International Coffee Day!
Happy International Coffee Day!
(photos taken by a Lumix GF1 in Dynamic Art mode)

A friend of mine shared this cute and informative comic strip on the 15(ish) Things Worth Knowing About Coffee and I grabbed two photos from the lot for you to know where coffee comes from and what makes up your favourite cuppa:

If you're a lover of coffee, see the full comics and buy the poster here.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Things I Love: Connoisseur's Murray River Salted Carmel

The popularity of Salted Caramel these days has renewed my love for Caramel. 

When McDonald's came up with a range of sundaes years ago, my favourite from the lot is the Caramel Sundae. Once the Husband made a mistake and ordered a Hot Fudge Sundae for me.  I made a little fuss and kept asking, "How can you not know my favourite when I've always ordered Caramel Sundae?" I'm laughing my heart out now as I remember how I can be petty at times just because of food. 

Another caramel treat I indulge in is the Yema candy. It's something we used to eat in the Philippines when we were kids but even as adults we can never seem to get enough of it. I sometimes get to eat Yema when I chance upon them in Filipino stores in our area.

It's not all the time that I get to eat anything with caramel. Nowadays, I mostly get my caramel fix from stores that sell Salted Caramel ice cream, gelato or macarons. For macarons, I always go to Via Del Corso for a piece or two. I found a gelato store at The Star named Messina which makes really good gelatos, including their Salted Caramel flavour. Since having their Salted Caramel gelato, I've always wished there'd be a tub of salted caramel ice cream in supermarkets so we can easily have them at home.

Finally, Connoisseur came out with different flavours recently, one of which is the Murray River Salted Caramel.
Things I Love: Connoisseur's Murray River Salted Carmel

The culinary genius behind Murray River Salted Caramel is pastry chef Darren Purchese of Burch & Purchese Sweet Studio (I hope to visit their shop in Melbourne soon). The ice cream is made of salt from the Murray River, one of Australia's famous rivers, delicious creamy caramel and lots of chocolate-coated hazelnuts. 
Things I Love: Connoisseur's Murray River Salted Carmel

This ice cream comes in 470ml tubs and I found them at Coles. I bought a tub on Saturday and went back to buy two more tubs on Sunday because it was just so good.
Things I Love: Connoisseur's Murray River Salted Carmel

I think this will now become a staple inside our fridge. :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Braza Churrascaria (Darling Quarter, Sydney)

In celebration of the Husband's birthday, we had dinner with one of our group of friends at Braza Churrascaria at Darling Quarter. It was a great place to be on a Friday evening. The atmosphere was festive due to the live music being played, accommodating staff, obliging men going around with skewered meats and happy diners enjoying great food.
Brazilian churrasco is a fun and meaty gastronomic experience anyone could ever experience.  Instead of ordering food, waiters go to each and every table offering different barbequed meats in skewers and patrons are given a slice of their choice.

Braza offers traditional churrasco AUD$47.00 inclusive of all the meats and unlimited side dishes. Drinks are paid separately. They also cater to vegetarians so just let them know that you prefer vegetarian options.

Go & Stop. These little green and red wooden things are a way for the waiters to know if you want more meat or not. If the green is on top, it means they can offer and serve meats to you, if red is on top, it is a sign for them to move along to the next patron. The meats arriving at one's table can be overwhelming so these Go & Stop signs are a way to pace oneself.
Braza Churrascaria (Darling Quarter, Sydney)

Complimentary Cheese Bread were served as soon as we sat down to our table. I enjoyed it's sweetness and would have loved to finish more but had to reserve the space inside my tummy for the meats.
Braza Churrascaria (Darling Quarter, Sydney)

Side Dishes. They have a lot of side dishes on offer such as:
- Vinagrette – Tomato Salsa
- Farofa – Roasted Cassava Flour
- Pimentas da Malaguetta – Brazilian Chillies
- Tá Fritos do Braza: Mandioquinha, Banana and Polenta
- Arroz – Yellow Rice
- Feijão Preto – Black Beans
- Maionese de Batata – Potato Salad
- Couve – Kale / Chinese Brocolli
- Salada Loca – Mixed Salad
- Salada Dois – Rocket Salad, Brazil nuts, Orange, Beetroot & Blue Cheese

All side dishes were good partners to the meats but my favourites were the Crumbed Banana, Polenta, Salada Dois, Salada Lica and Tomato Salsa.
Braza Churrascaria (Darling Quarter, Sydney)

Braza Churrascaria (Darling Quarter, Sydney)

Braza Churrascaria (Darling Quarter, Sydney)
Their meats were all flavourful, juicy, tender and perfectly barbequed. I loved it! There were chicken, different parts of beef and pork, lamb, ribs and chorizo.  The best thing is that they also have fish and prawns which makes Braza a real winner. They also have a barbequed Pineapple which was really sweet that it can be considered dessert.
Braza Churrascaria (Darling Quarter, Sydney)
Braza Churrascaria (Darling Quarter, Sydney)

Braza Churrascaria
1-25 Harbour St, Darling Quarter 
Darling Harbour NSW 2000 
Email for Reservations:

Phone: (02) 9286-3733
Fax: (02)  9286-3755

Lunch: everyday 12 - 3.30pm
Dinner: everyday 5pm till late

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Chocolateria San Churro (Harbourside Mall, Darling Harbour)

I used to wish that they'd be more Chocolateria San Churro branches in Sydney Metro and what do you know? After my Friday afternoon walk at Darling Harbour, I found myself inside Harbourside mall and voila! a new Chocolateria San Churro branch has opened. 

I've dinner with friends on Friday night but as you know, my ritual is to have coffee and bit of dessert before I plunge myself into dinner.  I was supposed to have coffee at another cafe but when I saw Chocolateria San Churro, all roads led to him! Haha.

I got myself a cup of long black and two macarons: cookies 'n cream and peanut butter chocolate. Both macarons were crisp and chewy. If you are not eating Churros, their macarons are a good alternative for a light snack.

Although the star of their menu is chocolate, their coffee drinks are good too as they use the highest-grade of Fairtrade Certified and organic Arabica beans. And to always have that San Churro love, they place a small piece of chocolate on my teaspoon to add sweetness to my strong and rich Long Black.

Shop 107/109 Harbourside Shopping Centre
2-10 Darling Drive
Darling Harbour, New South Wales
Australia 2000
Phone: 02 9280 0668

Related Post:
Chocolate Cafe: Chocolateria San Churro

Aussie Life Series: Darling Harbour on a Friday Afternoon

I've been tagging some of my photos #AussieLife in instagram which simply shows life in Australia. I'm celebrating my 7th year of living here next month and it still gives me goosebumps at the realization that I live in Sydney. I love this beautiful city. I love how laidback this country is. Life here is not without heartaches and struggles but I'm always be grateful for the blessing of being here.

It's been awhile since I've had a quiet afternoon at Darling Harbour. It is one of my favourite places in the city. It has immensely changed with the development of the Tumbalong Park and the new dining district Darling Quarter that boosts of several restaurants.

Here are few photos of that lovely afternoon. While things may have progressed in Darling Harbour, the laidback lifestyle still remains.

At Darling Quarter.  This place is a mixture of business and leisure establishments. They made this park for kids and kids-at-heart. They have two tables for those who would like to play table tennis which proves to be a good diversion for professionals during break from work.

At another park of the park in Darling Quarter. People sitting on chairs, relaxing. Some are with friends chatting, some are listening to music or reading quietly.

The Beer O'Clock Crowd. Being a Friday, some people get off work as early as 3:30pm and have a drink with friends. 

Relaxing by the Harbour. This is one of my favourite spots in Sydney. It's just beautiful to sit here and enjoy the lovely little harbour and blue skies.

Blue Harbour. Australia's got the bluest skies you'll ever see. I never get tired of saying that as much as I never get tired of looking at the blue skies here.

The Seagull. He willingly paused so I can take a photo of him. You know the movie "Finding Nemo"? Those birds that kept saying "Mine, mine, mine!" were inspired by the seagulls in Australia. There are tons of them in Sydney and they like eating chips. And sometimes I do imagine them saying "Mine, mine, mine!" when we throw out food to them.

It is normal to see a stroller parked in front of a restaurant. Parents sometimes leave baby strollers in front of restaurants due to space concerns and that's okay.

The Happy Hour Crowd. Happy clicking of beer bottles, wine and cocktail glasses are in full swing as soon the sun sets. 
I hope you enjoyed seeing Sydney in my photographs. Till next time!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Ladurée Macarons & Chocolate Bars

It usually takes me thirty minutes to finish two pieces of macarons. Contrary to notions due to being a foodie, I only have a small love for sweets. I'm more into salty and savoury food. It was only when my ex-boyfriend (now Husband) and I got together that I was able to appreciate eating desserts. It is him that has an endless craving for sweets. Although I love eating cakes and ice cream, I can last awhile not eating sweets. And If I do eat sweets, a few bites can easily fill me. 

It was very striking that I when I ate Ladurée macarons, I was able to finish 3 1/2 pices in just a few minutes.  It was just so easy to eat because it's not as sweet as other macarons I've tried.

While some macarons just seem to taste like it’s all sugar in it, Ladurée macarons have the right amount of sweetness in order to enjoy the real flavour of each macaron. Even if the macarons weren't freshly baked, the shells were amazingly crisp and the chewy insides just melts in your mouth. My favourite flavours are currently Strawberry Marshmallow, Orange Blossom and Vanilla. I’m waiting for the hype to subside down a bit because one of these days, I hope to have tea and macarons at their café. 
Ladurée Macarons & Chocolate Bars
Ladurée Macarons & Chocolate Bars
Ladurée Macarons & Chocolate Bars
Ladurée Macarons & Chocolate Bars
Ladurée Macarons & Chocolate Bars

Last night we found the time to try the Ladurée bars I bought. The Dark Chocolate has 80% cocoa which was bitter and strong. The Milk Chocolate with Almonds bar was perfect for someone like me who likes chocolate with nuts. Both bars had the richness and smoothness that slides and melts inside the mouth.  Each bar priced at AUD$11.00.
Ladurée Macarons & Chocolate Bars
Ladurée Macarons & Chocolate Bars
Ladurée Macarons & Chocolate Bars
Ladurée Macarons & Chocolate Bars

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