Seoul is such a big city. So big that it takes a lot of walking to get from Point A to Point B. From our hotel, the nearest park was a train ride away, plus, a lot of walking. We've probably adapted our love for parks since we've moved to Sydney that's why if we have a chance during travel, we hang out at a park even for a short while. We did this when we traveled in Dubai and Melbourne and we did it again when we were in Seoul.
On the afternoon of our second day in Seoul, we hung out at Yeouido Park.
Near the entrance of Yeouido Park, street food were being sold.
This was their version of potato chips.
I bought a bag and ate this while we walked around the park.
We saw a lot of people riding bikes. The park has a huge basketball court where we saw students playing.
Their public phones.
Couple bikes!
We had tons of photos of Cherry Blossom trees.
I kept looking up the trees, it was just so beautiful.
We walked further into the park and saw this pond. It felt magical just being there.
Took photos of tons of flowers.
Luckily, a couple took a photo of us together. We had our tripod with us but still we were grateful for people who took the initiative to offer to take our photo.

As I look at our photos now, I not only long for Spring to come...I also long to visit Seoul once again.