I've heard so read so many good things about PPP from my online friends and it took me almost a year to finally have a go with it. Been blogging for two years straight now and it never dawned on me that I'd finally take the bandwagon of bloggers who earn their way thru blogging.
First and foremost, I love writing. It is a way for me to de-stress, it relaxes me. Secondly, since I'm a Professional Trainer by heart who's taking a more inactive part in training nowadays (a career move to give way to married life) and I thought I would still be able to share information and knowledge thru writing my thoughts on a blog. And why not do something you love and at the same time get paid for it, right? So finally, I took the plunge not just to write but to save money from my love for blogging.
Now that I'm a Wifey, I plan to set up a Gift Fund (which will be a part of our family budget) and all my blogging proceeds shall go there. I believe nowadays, that will be a smart thing to do. At least with a Gift Fund, I would know where to get money from for birthday gift or Christmas gift purchases. And I might even be able to buy myself a gift too.
For starters, I've now setted up my Paypal account and I've also read about PPP's FAQ's and Code of Ethics so I guess I'm quite ready. I'm so hyped and excited about this. Another great opportunity to write, learn and earn.
get paid to blog