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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Thank You, 2013!

2013 was a great year for me. While I never ran out of challenges from time to time, I believe this year has been a wonderful journey of achieving milestones. I experienced a lot of breakthroughs as an individual and a wife and partner to my Husband. I appreciate my moments of awakening as a person. I seem to know myself more, of my needs and wants, of people and moments that matter to me. Some of my biggest learnings include: 
  • go back to my core when I feel uncertain 
  • that I take a different path from journey is mine and I shouldn't be pressured to do anything I don't want
  • that most of the time, I don't owe anyone an explanation 
  • to think, feel and speak kindly towards everyone 
  • that it's okay to ask for things to be easy instead of asking for strength or patience (God listened to me a thousand times and more often, he's made things lighter for me when I'm getting weak)
  • to walk away from anything or anyone that disturbs my peace and happiness
  • to find joy in the ordinary
  • to spend on experiences instead of things (because when accumulation of things are mismanaged, they just create clutter)
  • time is the greatest gift that one can give to a loved one
  • to love more and live more

My "Thank Yous"

Thank you for the abundance of blessings that 2013 has brought me:

…the gift of courage to stay away from unproductive things and negative people

…the gift of discipline to give up habits that doesn't do me good

…the desire to always learn, whether it involves my job or personal interests

…the opportunity to have a job that I love and one that loves me back

…the passion to do things as best as I could; be more proactive and think of results instead of excuses

…the gift of forgiveness and healing, to acknowledge my faults, forgive myself and forgive others

…the gift of peace and acceptance

…the chance to travel and experience another country’s food and culture

…the gift of coming home to our motherland, the Philippines. 

…the gift of time spent with loved ones, of friendships that re-connect and hearts that reunite.

…an abundance of indulgences in the form of material things, good food and great company

…the gift of friends; their friendship is food to my soul

…the gift of good health and a safe home

…the gift of faith that never waver, for a God that always listened and gave

…my family, their love is the most valuable thing in my world

We have done well, 2013. Thank you, dear God. Thank you, Universe.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Most Liked Photos In Instagram for 2013

I think this statigram is cool as it gives you the five most liked photos from your instagram account. 

Here's mine:

I love the turnout of this video as it showcased all the things I love: travel in Seoul with family, the icons of my beloved Sydney: Opera House and Harbour Bridge, making good food and being underneath the Cherry Blossoms with the love of my life. 

To all my IGmates, thank you for taking time to look at my instagram photos and for giving generous likes. 

December on Ibyangram

Ibyang + Instagram = Ibyangram
While my instagram photos are shared on my twitter page and sometimes on my tumblr and fb page, I would like to have a monthly dump of ibyangrams on AWCL too. It is thru instagram that I share everyday moments and random finds. I use instagram as my real time mini-blog. Every end of the month, I'll be choosing a couple of photos from my instagram and share it here because I have something more to say about a certain ibyangram.

We had a sad start to December as we said goodbye to family living in America and the Philippines. There is that sudden silence when family reunions end. And the only way for things to go back to normal is to go back to the usual daily grind. The Husband and I went straight back to work and eased in slowly to our normal. December is always a festive time and it helped a lot in easing sadness we felt at the start of the month. Work has winded down but it is temporary. The last week of December, we focused on relaxing and getting ready for the new year. 

There's more to my December than just Christmas celebrations and I've got my Ibyangrams to speak for it...

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas 2013 Celebrations

The start of December meant the start of Christmas celebrations. While we're still busy finishing tasks at work, our free time were spent preparing for meeting up with loved ones. Our Christmas was a balance of simple merriment and quiet moments, making this year our most relaxed Christmas. 

I realized that having a relaxed Christmas is all in the attitude. Instead of thinking how Christmas is always a busy time, the Husband and I just went with the flow and didn't care about crowds in the malls or panicked that we haven't completed gifts for loved ones. We just did what we could with the free time we had after work. On Christmas week, we're happily eating out and leisurely hung out at the shops in the midst of shoppers. It also helped that get-togethers with loved ones were organised in advanced. 

Below are a few snippets of how we spent Christmas:

Our annual get-together with Kolokoys (the name of our group) was an afternoon of catching up and playing games. We alloted one Saturday so we can have enough time spent with each other.
Our Sydney Tweethearts get-together was a breakfast party in the city. 
Drinks after work with my team was a good breather for all of us. It was also a celebration for the great year we had at work. 
Christmas date with Hubby in the city. We walked inside Strand Arcade and I had a photo of my favourite Christmas Tree in the city. Before we went home, the Husband indulged me with a cup of Toffee Nut Latte. 
Last day of work was on the 24th. We had a festive breakfast at work as the boss grilled some bacon, eggs and sausages.  It was a chance for the whole office to sit down and enjoy a meal for one last time before 2013 ends. After work, I met up with Hubby for late lunch.
We spent Christmas morning at church and then had a lovely lunch with family. It was an opportunity not just to spend time with family living here in Sydney but we took time out to video call family living in the Philippines and America. Technology these days are such wonderful help in getting connected to loved ones around the world. We had lots of yummy food that left us full and satisfied but made room for the grand finale, a Chocolate Hazelnut Gelato Cake. 
Boxing Day, the 26th is when some parts of Australia come alive with malls opening and offering big discounts on their merchandise. A lot of people troop down to malls and shop to their hearts content. The Husband and I took a quiet route of watching a movie instead of go to the shops. We enjoyed the second Hobbit movie. 
Last Sunday of 2013 was Yum Cha lunch with friends. A solid 4-hour of eating good food and catching up. A great way to end our Christmas week.

This Christmas, the Husband and I decided not to give gifts to each other. We wanted to focus on spending time with loved ones and true meaning of Christmas, which is the birth of Jesus. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

From our home to yours, we wish you a lovely Christmas!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

November on Ibyangram

Ibyang + Instagram = Ibyangram
While my instagram photos are shared on my twitter page and sometimes on my tumblr and fb page, I would like to have a monthly dump of ibyangrams on AWCL too. It is thru instagram that I share everyday moments and random finds. I use instagram as my real time mini-blog. Every end of the month, I'll be choosing a couple of photos from my instagram and share it here because I have something more to say about a certain ibyangram.
Christmas came in early this year as November was filled with moments spent with family. The whole month, I made efforts to spend as much time with my Mom and relatives here in Sydney and from America. There were lots of going around Sydney, eating out, big and small get-togethers and we even sneaked out of Sydney to spend a day at the Hunter Valley. To have family living in different parts of the world is always a great exercise on being present in the now and being grateful for time spent with them. Time with family is the best Christmas gift we have received this year.

I'm sharing a few snippets of our time together in last month's Ibyangram and a few other things that made up my November.

Mom's first Spring visit in Sydney. I'm so happy that she finally saw the pretty Jacaranda Trees that I've always talked about! 
Christmas came early this year in the guise of my Mom. So as I have my first cup of my favourite Toffee Nut Latte, I'm spending it with her.
An IKEA breakfast spread. Treating Mom to cheap Swedish brekkie haha!
Wearing Spring hues on a gloomy, rainy day. Wickedly happy colours!
Inspired by Royce' Potato Chip Chocolate, the Husband created his version only that his one was dipped in Dark Chocolate.
Pastry breakfast for three at the La Renaissance Cafe. 
Exploring Watsons Bay. A charming little beach where we had fish and chips for lunch.
An El Jannah dinner! We finally have an El Jannah branch near our place. It's the best charcoal-grilled chicken in Sydney. 
Grateful for thoughtful friends. Received a package from one of my dearest friends from Manila and it included a "bling-ified" Snoopy charm that can be used as a chain for phones. I love it! It's so pretty. 
Spectacular view of a vineyard in Hunter Valley. Our family spent the whole day tasting wines, eating cheese and having lunch and coffee at the Hunter Valley Gardens. Oh and we did a bit of shopping too.
Rewarding ourselves with Adriano Zumbo's Macarons. Delicious flavours: Pandan Sticky Rice, Toasted Marshmallow, Salted Butter Popcorn, Apple Pie & Chocoron (the one with the smiling face).
Lovely day, lovely wedding. Our family witnessed the beautiful wedding of my cousin. Lots of happy smiles and touching moments.
Afternoon Tea at Max Brenner. Left work early so I can hang out with the family for afternoon tea.
Shared our love for Korean Food to the family. Went to Koreatown in Strathfield for a Korean BBQ Lunch at Won Jo and then ended up having coffee and Bingsu at My Sweet Memory Cafe.
Gold Coin for the Philippines. Our office held a fundraising morning tea for the survivors of Typhoon Haiyan. We served Brazo de Mercedes & Leche Flan Chiffon Cake (from a Filipino bakery) along with biscuits & cheese, brownies, chips & scones. I'm so grateful to everyone who participated.
My lomo cameras have been calling out to me lately so I bought 3 rolls of 36-exposure films. I already finished a roll of film and currently waiting for them to be developed.

Grateful for my November. Later on, after a few years perhaps, I will chance upon looking at these November Ibyangrams again and all I'll feel will be appreciation and love.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Sydney, My Beloved City (And An Article Called "23 Reasons Life Is Better In Australia)

Is it possible to fall in love with a place? 

In my case...Yes! I have once tweeted something like, "Living in another country is like Marriage. You have to find the right one for you". And just like the reality that Marriage brings, living in a country other than your motherland has its certain ups and downs. No country is ever perfect. No matter how taken we are with the beauty of a particular city/country, there are adjustments and challenges to go thru. I've lived in Sydney for eight years now and I'm still finding a lot of reasons to love this place. It is a city that gives even with its imperfections.
A view of Sydney cityline from my office (November 2013)

Below is an article about Australia that amused me because all of it are somehow true. Read on and know more about the land down under.

23 Reasons Life Is Better In Australia

1. In Australia, it's incredibly normal to take a gap year.

2. Australians have swimming pools in their oceans.

3. People in Australia really know coffee. Starbucks tried to invade the scene a few years ago, but Aussies didn’t break from their mom-and-pop roasteries. Starbucks was forced to close 61 of its 87 Australian stores.

4. Two words: Gold. Coast.

5. Precious, just-born, infant turtles crawl into the Australian sea from January until March. And there are turtle guides who will help you find and say hi to them. 

6. Everybody in Australia can swim very fast.

7. The minimum wage in Australia is $16.88. SIXTEEN DOLLARS AND EIGHTY-EIGHT CENTS! In America, minimum wage ranges by state from $5.15 (Georgia) to $9.19 (Washington).

8. Australia's capital city threw itself a birthday party. And gave everybody the day off work. And put on free concerts. And set up the world’s longest champagne bar with hundreds of bottles of champagne. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!

9. A bunch of lakes in Australia are pink, thanks to algae and prawns.

10. Handheld meat pies are, like, Australians' national dish. They eat them while watching football that has its own special Australian rules, such as "you may tackle people without any helmets on." 

11. You can apply for a travel visa to Australia online. No consulates, no lines, no heartache.

12. Australians don't sacrifice sustainability for tourism. Lord Howe Island, the most beautiful island of coral reefs, is only allowed to host 400 tourists at any given time, no matter how many want to come.

13. Caramel slice is in Australia.

14. There are more kangaroos than humans in Australia, which makes life more adorable. To deal with all those marsupials, experts have concocted kangaroo birth control and a national Kangaroo Management Plan. Another population control -- sniffle, tear, sniffle -- is the kangaroo burger.

15. Australians dominate at rugby league, while the only rugby that Americans know is played primarily by grunting fraternity brothers.

16. Australians make a vacation out of helping the planet-- on a conservation holiday, you can measure plants in the rainforest or monitor owl species at the base of the Australian Alps.

17. Everybody in Australia has accents.

18. When life gets rough (from eating too much Vegemite or winning too much rugby), Australians can always escape to the perfect blue heaven known as Lake McKenzie.

19. In Australia, there are creatures called fairy penguins. After they get home from long days at sea, you can visit their colonies by night.

20. The Great Ocean Road, the Aussies' seaside version of Route 66, takes you past some pretty stellar rock formations.

21. Australians have the widest steel arch bridge in the world. You may have heard of it.

22. Liam Hemsworth was born in Australia.

23. Chris Hemsworth was born in Australia.

For the complete article with matching photos, check it out here.