Yesterday's celebration was more special than last year because a lot of our workmates put their hand up to bake pastries. One of our workmates even made a fondant cake with the International Women's Day logo drawn on top to represent the women we are honouring.
Very clever, isn't it? Tasted delicious too! Sorry, wrong angle of the cake...I should've taken the photo on the other side of the room.
Chocolate Easter Eggs! They are available in supermarkets as early as February (right after Valentine's day). Morning teas are never complete without Aussie chocolates.
Freshly-baked scones with butter and jam. I loved these!!! These are my favourite!
Two-layer Carrot Cake!
For the light eaters, we had biscuits on the table.
Very nutty Walnut Cake.
Gluten-free Chocolate Cake with fresh raspberries on top. We had the chocolate syrup in a separate bowl for people who would like a richer chocolate cake.
And of course, Pavlova!!!!! This was a beautiful creation. I loved it!
A table full of delicious cakes and pastries.
Our donation bowl. The minimum donation for the all-you-can-eat morning tea was AUD$5.00.
The proceeds of our donation will go to the Oxfam Unwrapped. In the Sepik region of Papua New Guinea, we support the Nana Kundi Crisis Centre which offers counselling services, legal support and a safe refuge for women experiencing domestic violence. Violence and sexual assault are all too common in Papua New Guinea, with 70% of women experience domestic violence. With our gift, we hope it'll help protect and educate women about their rights and put an end to violent attitudes and behaviour towards girls and women.
How did you celebrate International Women's Day?