The whole world is mourning for the loss of a great visionary and a brilliant man. Steve Jobs at age 56, left the world with his legacy of innovation, excellence and creativity.

Thank you, Steve Jobs...
for making this world a better place
for changing the way we live
for bringing the world into our hands
for making innovative gadgets user-friendly
for inspiring us with your wisdom
for making me see the beauty of technology
for teaching me how to embrace it.
Well done, Steve Jobs...well done!
The internet is abuzz with so many tributes and articles on remembering the life of Steve Jobs. Please click on the links below:
15 Things You Didn't Know About Steve Jobs
Remembering Steve Jobs
A Collection of 60 Inspiring Steve Jobs Quotes about Life, Design and Apple
Steve Jobs' Lifetime Impact on the World of Technology
10 Iconic Steve Jobs Moments
Statement by Apple's Board of Directors
TIME's Steve Jobs Covers - Photo Essays
Steve Jobs' 11 Best Quotes
Steve Jobs: His Life and Career in the Pages of TIME
Steve Jobs' Family Statement
Tim Cook's Email to Apple Staff
Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak Tearfully Remembers Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs' Neighbor Reflects
Steve Jobs and the Reserved Seat
Sad Goodbyes to Steve at the San Francisco Apple Store
People Reach for Steve Jobs in Large Numbers
Being Steve Jobs' Boss
Bloomberg Businessweek on Steve Jobs
Over 100 Newspaper Front Pages Around the World Mourn Steve Jobs
Remembering Steve Jobs
A Collection of 60 Inspiring Steve Jobs Quotes about Life, Design and Apple
Steve Jobs' Lifetime Impact on the World of Technology
10 Iconic Steve Jobs Moments
Statement by Apple's Board of Directors
TIME's Steve Jobs Covers - Photo Essays
Steve Jobs' 11 Best Quotes
Steve Jobs: His Life and Career in the Pages of TIME
Steve Jobs' Family Statement
Tim Cook's Email to Apple Staff
Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak Tearfully Remembers Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs' Neighbor Reflects
Steve Jobs and the Reserved Seat
Sad Goodbyes to Steve at the San Francisco Apple Store
People Reach for Steve Jobs in Large Numbers
Being Steve Jobs' Boss
Bloomberg Businessweek on Steve Jobs
Over 100 Newspaper Front Pages Around the World Mourn Steve Jobs