for a busy but productive week at work
for sunshines that gave warmth
for drops of rain that nourished
for sunsets that never cease to amaze me
for happy surprises in the family
for a chance to walk along the beach
for unexpected coffee dates with girlfriends
for being able to help organize two parties
for Thursday dinner at a Chinese resto with the gang
for Friday dinner with another group of friends
for phone calls from friends that asks, "How are you today?"
for positive messages that put a smile in my heart and comfort to my soul
for days that end when I come home to a cheerful home and a Husband who holds my hand til I fall asleep.
Thank you God, thank you universe.
Photo by Ibyang Sanchez 2009 - Sunset taken today.

Why the scarcity of blog entries? Life on my side of the earth has been busy. The Husband and I are juggling work and several personal matters at hand, plus the fact that Christmas is just around the corner. This week, I helped our two groups of friends prepare for our early Christmas parties (some of them are leaving for Manila on the first week of December). This weekend we're rounding up our Christmas gifts and wrapping them so they'd be ready to be given away.
This week, we were also full-on when it came to gimiks with our barkadas: (1) Coffee date with girlfriends on Tuesday; (2) Dinner at a Chinese Resto on Thursday and (3) Dinner with FilOz Gang on Friday. Wow!!! We were in a roll this week aye? The late nights from these dinners were all worth it though as being with friends is always like a breath of fresh air for us, a good way to end a tiring day at work.
Work has settled down a bit but it is still hectic at times. I'm happy to say that our big project (a new training program for employees of our company) which we've worked on since the start of this year has been well-received by our trainess. There's still a couple of things we're straightening out (change is the only permament thing especially in Training) but the pressure has been taken off in terms of deadlines now that we had launched our new training program.
However, work is busy for me because I'm also preparing for a two-week leave from the office as I will undergo a medical procedure soon. My health is one challenging thing for me at this stage but I believe that I will be alright. I'm not worried as family and friends are praying for me and sending positive vibes my way and I know too that God will never fail me. He never did on the first time I had undergone a major surgical procedure so I know I he will never fail me now. God is always faithful.
On that note, health is a priority at the moment so at times when I need to rest I just rest and give up some of my time for blogging. In the principle of time management and prioritizing things, some things I have to let go of in order to give way to my goal of being healthy.
The forthcoming two weeks will be crazy and happy. Chris and I are looking forward to spending time with relatives and friends (we have three parties to attend to and I really hope we can attend all of them) and at the same time celebrate our 34th wedding monthsary (we're excited because we're watching a musicale). Life is good, really good, inspite of the challenges we are facing.
I wish you all a good night and a great week ahead. Smile and be happy!