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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Grateful in Autumn

Dear Autumn, 
This year you made my heart oh so happy.
With every leaf that fell, my grateful heart glowed with the blessing of a good life filled with laughter and love.  Thank you Dear God and thank you Universe.
That's just my little note to Autumn for being kind this year.  As we end another season and move on to much colder days (Hello, Winter!--tomorrow na!) let me just acknowledge a few things that made the past three months extra special. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lighting for Studio Photography DECODED by John Fick

Our photographer friend John Fick has released his first photography book "Lighting for Studio Photography DECODED" and we are so proud and happy for him.

John Fick is the first Filipino in Sydney to publish a book in photography.  The book took him three years to finish and he's very elated that reception has been very good.  The plan was just to launch an ebook but due to emails and requests for a hard copy, John relented and had them printed (Good call, John!). 
Inside the Book:
Uprising author John Fick has launched his new “Lighting for Studio Photography DECODED” book which is set to become the standard of studio photography.
John’s book has captured the eyes and minds of budding photographers ranging from beginners to advanced skill set. Lighting for Studio Photography DECODED is a well written illustrative book and teaching tool filled with images, illustrations and diagrams to enable any photographer to skillfully see, capture and shoot the light of a studio set.

GRAB A COPY via the book's website 
and buy the BOOK or EBOOK.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Figaro Coffee, You Remind Me of the Good Things

Don't you just love waking up to great coffee?

Thank God for friends who are generous enough to send care packages to me.  When my friends in Manila found out that my Mum's coming to Sydney, some of them thoughtfully sent me some stuff I love.  Thanks Hazel for sending one of my favourite coffees from the Philippines.  

I love how the aroma of Barako Gold filled the air in our home the moment I took it out of the box, it was just wonderful.  Every cup I'm savouring gives me a clean, rich and flavourful taste.  

When I drink Figaro, I'm reminded of one of the best times of my life.

It reminds me of one of my dearest bestfriends, Teng.    We both share a passion for drinking coffee since we were young.  When we graduated from college and went our separate ways to follow our respective career paths, we thought we would see less of each other.  But coffee brought us together almost every week (sometimes even twice a week).  I worked in Makati and she worked in Mandaluyong so our meeting place was always in Ortigas area.  We had the best times of our lives meeting up after work usually for coffee at Figaro in Shangri-la Mall.  When we've had a bad day, we'd have a drink or two at a bar.  But always, it was at a Figaro where we'd meet and start our rendezvous and misadventures.  We loved Figaro not only for its coffee but because they offered delicious pastries and fairly decent dishes like pasta and sandwiches.  Other than have coffee, that's where we have dinner too.  

I miss those times and I miss Teng more.  I'm hoping one day we get to have our much-awaited coffee klatch  and make new memories again over a cup of our good 'ol Figaro.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Fri-date: Korean Movie, Coffee & Food Tripping, Vivid Sydney 2012

The last time we had a Fri-date was in Summer.  We enjoyed our Fri-date so much, we decided that once in a while, we will in sync our day-offs together so we'll have one whole day just for us.  Three months ago, I was in a shirt-shorts-sandals ensemble but the weather has grown so much colder since then.  We still have a few days of Autumn left but the temps are definitely Winter-ish.  Our agenda for the Friday will extend up to night time so we left home all bundled up.  

"As One Korea", a Korean film.   We discovered that a few selected theatres in Sydney feature Korean films and we were lucky to find that there's a film being shown in Broadway Shopping Centre until 30th May.  The film is based on a true story of the first unified Korean team who competed in the 1991 World Table Tennis Championships in Chiba, Japan.  It's a story of teamwork and friendship that blossomed between the North and South Korean teams.  The film was so heartwarming it brought tears to the women watching in the cinema (including me!).   The cast was lead by Ha Ji-won from the famous KDrama, "Secret Garden" and "The King 2 Hearts".

After the movie, we trooped down to Glebe and had coffee and pastries at La Banette, a rustic French patisserie.

As mentioned in my instagram, La Banette Patisserie was my beautiful find that day.  I love cafes with eccentric interiors and small spaces that doesn't intrude on my personal space.  Even if there were people seated near us, there was a sense of privacy and we felt comfortable.  We enjoyed their pastries which were freshly-baked.  I will write a separate entry about their food soon.

Visit to the Museum of Contemporary Art Store.  From Glebe, we took the bus to Circular Quay and spent the rest of the evening at The Rocks.  We visited the newly-renovated Museum of Contemporary Art and had a look at a few items at their store.  The store sells books, bags, jewellery, lomo cameras etc.  I saw Pochi purses which I find very cute.  Maybe one day I'll buy one for myself.

Early Dinner of Kebabs at The Rocks Market.  I waited two weeks just to get a hold of these yummy kebabs at The Rocks!  When I saw that Shawarma scene in "The Avengers" movie, I just knew it was time to have that kebab date with the Husband.  We were there early so we had the kebab stall all to ourselves.    

We enjoyed their Meatball Kebab and Grilled Chicken Tikka Kebab as we roamed around The Rocks Market.

Vivid Sydney 2012.   Twenty minutes before the stroke of 6PM, we're all setted up (camera gears and all) at the Overseas Passenger Terminal at Circular Quay waiting for the Lighting of the Sails of Sydney Opera House.  Naging panata na namin ang Vivid Sydney (We have a devotion to witnessing Vivid Sydney).  This is the only evening event during Autumn/Winter that we go to because it's (1) about art and technology; (2) a family event; and (3) we like taking photographs of light shows.

The Lighting of the Sails of Sydney Opera House was a miss.  This was so far the worst Lighting of the Sails and we were very disappointed. 

We tried to enjoy it but the truth was there was nothing enjoyable about it.  We appreciate the art and light show but overall, we didn't like it. 

The only saving grace was the light show on the Museum of Contemporary Art and Customs House and few light installations around Circular Quay.

After exploring the light shows of Vivid Sydney, we went back to The Rocks Market to eat again.  Taking photographs and walking in the cold left us famished so we had pork buns and bean buns before finally going home.

A separate feature on Vivid Sydney 2012 and The Rocks Market will be shared soon!

Discovered Inspirations: The Happiness Manifesto

Thanks to my friend Pen for sharing this Happiness Manifesto last week.  I googled it and found that you can order the Happiness Manifesto poster here.

I love this manifesto because it mentions one of my own manifesto "Live in the Moment" --- my manifesto being "Live in the moment and enjoy being".

Have a cheerful and productive week ahead!

Related Posts:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pastry Lunch at Cafe Bariloche

Moving to Sydney has influenced me to become a bit creative with how I eat and enjoy my food.  This place is a foodie's haven as this city is composed of different cultures from all over the world.  Everywhere you go, you'll see cafes and restaurants specializing in a cuisine of your liking.  

It was not intentional but I've been having some interesting meals depending on whom I eat with or what the occasion is.  I sometimes have Pastry Lunches and Pub Grub Lunches with workmates.  Last year, I gifted the Husband with a Pastry Brekky for his birthday.  When my Mum was here, I introduced her to a Dessert Dinner.  

My latest favourite lunch adventure is having Pastry Lunch with my workmate.  She's a foodie like me and we enjoy having foodie conversations all the time.

We're lucky that our workplace is surrounded by several cafes and restaurants--and good ones at that.  One day, we decided to have a Pastry Lunch at Cafe Bariloche which is known for their best-tasting Meat Pies and Empanadas.

Cafe Bariloche is a pastry shop in Glebe and they only sell nothing but savoury and sweet pastries, plus coffee. I like the exclusivity that "just pastries" entail, there's something sacred about that.  Their shop is small but regulars like us always get a table.

Everytime I eat there, I always get a savioury pastry for my main meal and a sweet pastry for my dessert partnered with a hot cup of coffee.  

Their bestseller is their huge Empanada and it is what I always order for my main meal.  

The pastry baked to perfection, the innards of minced beef is always juicy and mildly spicy.   What makes it more of a winner is that it has boiled eggs and olives.  Really yummy!

For dessert, I love their Custard Pie.  It's creamy, smooth and at the same time, I taste a tinge of lemon.  It's refreshingly sweet but not cloying.

Yesterday, we went out to have Pastry Lunch again but they've ran out of the Custard Pie (*gasp* *sad face*)

I chose to have the Apple Danish instead and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.  Their Apple Danish is exceptionally beautiful as it was abundant with apples.  

Cafe Bariloche also makes the best meat pies in Sydney and a few other sweet pastries.  If you're in Glebe, drop by for a cup of coffee or buy some treats for take-away.

333 Glebe Point Road, Glebe
Phone: 9660 3524
Open for Breakfast and Lunch

Favourite Song: "Don't Forget Me" (from the Season Ender of SMASH)

I watched the season ender of SMASH twice last week and I think I will watch it again this weekend.  That's how much I loved it.  The finale song was just fantastically apt.  I feel a tug at my heart whenever I hear this song.  Here are the lyrics and video in case you haven't seen or heard it yet. 

"Don't Forget Me"
(sang by Katharine McPhee in SMASH)

They thought they could dispose of me
They tried to make me small
I suffered each indignity
But now rise above it all

Yes, the price I paid was all I had
But at last, I found release
And if something good can come from bad
The past can rest in peace

Oh if you see someone's hurt
And in need of a hand
Don't forget me
Or hear a melody crying from some baby grand
You don't forget me

When you sing happy birthday to someone you love
Or see diamonds you wish were all free
Please say that you won't;
I pray that you don't forget me

But forget every man who I ever met
'Cause they only lived to control
For a kiss they paid a thousand
Yet they paid fifty cents for my soul
They took their piece
The price of fame that no one can repay
Ah, but they didn't buy me when they bought my name
And that is why I pray

That when you see someone's hurt
And in need of a hand
You don't forget me
Or hear a melody crying from some baby grand
You don't forget me

When you sing happy birthday to someone you love
Or see diamonds you wish were all free
Please say that you won't;
I pray that you don't forget me

There are some in this world who have strength on their own
Never broken or in need of repair
But there are some born to shine who can't do it alone
So protect them and take special care
Take care

And don't forget me
Please take care
And don't forget me
When you look to the heavens with someone you love
And a light shining bright from afar
Hope you see my face there
And then offer a prayer
And please let me be
Let me be that star

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Why I Love Our Foldable Treadmill

If someone asks me what I bought with my first salary from my first Aussie paycheck, the answer would have to be my Resistance Elliptical Strider.  

I grew up being physically active.  When I was young, I always get involved in activities where I'm able to move and sweat.  It's not difficult to engage in physical activities in school thanks to the various clubs one can join but when one goes out into the corporate world of working 8-10 hours a day, it can become a challenge to some of us.  When I worked in Manila, I had the chance of joining sports competitions until such time I had to retire because of an injury. And just when that happened, I migrated to Australia where I felt I needed to continue having an active lifestyle.  

So when I received my first paycheck in 2005, I looked for a cheap exercise equipment and found a Resistance Elliptical Strider.  The machine may seem harmless but it is quite the opposite.  This one weighed a ton (I don't have the exact number but it is heavy) and takes a lot of effort (and muscle) to exercise in.  But given my age and physical capabilities then, it was good enough for me.  A few minutes on this machine 3 to 4 times a week gave me a fast heartbeat rate, strong legs and arms.  Other than the help of this machine, I averaged 30 minutes of walking on a daily basis. For three years, I lived near a park and every weekend, I'd briskwalk and run during the afternoons for additional exercise. 

When I moved to an apartment with my Husband, we brought the Elliptical Strider with us.  But as time goes by,  my body has changed and I needed an exercise equipment that will be more friendly to my body, my bones and joints in particular. 

As one age, we have to treat our body with appropriate care.  I'm petite and cannot carry very heavy things. I thought that I should treat my bones and joints well.  At one time, exercising on my elliptical strider gave me a backache so instead of being encouraged to use it, I became wary, fearing that I might injure so I stopped exercising on it last year.  It took me months to decide to let it go and opt for another exercise machine.   

Last month, I finally bought a Foldable Treadmill online via

It came with simple instructions on how to unfold it.  No need to assemble any big parts.

In less than 5 minutes, our treadmill was ready for use.

I love our treadmill because:
It is handy, small, compact but serves its purpose.  With its 1530mm x 650mm x 720mm size, it is perfect for our 2-bedroom apartment.  Since it is foldable, it doesn't eat up too much space at home.  It only weighs 19 kilos so lugging it around is not a hassle.  It has a stable incline which is manageable for everyone in the family.

I don't have to get out of the house in order to walk or jog.  One of my biggest hurdle in exercising is going/driving to the park and the weather.  Going out requires extra time and effort while driving to a place involves petrol costs.  The weather can be a nuisance.  It's too cold during winter, too hot during summer and rains last for days.  Since I've got a treadmill at home, I've got no excuse.  

I'm back to my regular habit of exercising!  After three weeks of having a treadmill at home, I'm now back to exercising 3 to 4 times a week.  Nowadays, I look forward to going home and spending time on the treadmill.  It easily became a part of my lifestyle because I can get on the treadmill while I watch TFConline before dinner.  

The Treadmill was a great replacement to the Elliptical Strider.The treadmill is perfect for me because I love walking.  I can just walk for a long period of time while I watch TV or read stuff on the iPad.  If I'm not doing anything while on the treadmill, I don't get bored.  Walking in silence is therapeutic for me.  It helps me think and de-stress.

It's a fun exercise machine! I'm able to walk, briskwalk, jog, run on the treadmill.  In a 25-minute session, I'm able to do all four activities.  Sometimes, I do a bit of arm exercises while walking--a combined exercise.  I also sometimes sing while I walk on the treadmill and I love it!

Although I miss having the Elliptical Strider around, I'm glad I made this change in our lifestyle.  I realized now how important it is to finding the right equipment for me, one that will is more friendly to me body and one that makes me want to exercise. 

For those who would like to buy the same treadmill I have, you can check it out here.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New AVATAR Series: The Legend of Korra

The new Avatar series had finally hit the TV screens last April and the Husband and I started watching it last Sunday!!!  We've caught up until Episode 6 and we can't wait for Korra's adventures to unfold.  Initial news stated that it will only have one chapter (Book 1) but we heard that it will have a 2nd chapter (Book 2) (super yay!).

Korra is a teenage girl from the Southern Water Tribe and the current incarnation of the Avatar, who is "hotheaded, independent, and ready to take on the world. She has already mastered the arts of waterbending, earthbending, and firebending but has yet to master airbending, which she must learn from Tenzin—the youngest child of Aang and Katara.

The show is set in a single place called Republic City, a metropolis inhabited by benders and non-benders of all nations and founded by Aang and Zuko after the 100-year war in the original series. The city's police force practices the art of metalbending—a subset of earthbending—and is led by the daughter of Toph Beifong. The city's most popular sport is called pro-bending, which involves a team of benders aiming to knock another team of benders out of an arena using each's own bending skill.

The conflict of the first season centers upon a group of anti-benders, called the Equalists, who use chi-blocking to subdue their enemies.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Discovered Inspirations: The Holstee Manifesto

I love manifestos!  I hope one day I can create my own manifesto.  In the meantime, I surround myself with manifestos I chance upon to invite more positivity in my life.  I have shared the Lululemon Manifesto and Do the Crazy Thing Manifesto before and I want to share another manifesto making the rounds on the internet for sometime now which starts with, "This is Your Life".  I discovered that it was from a lifestyle company called "Holstee".

The Holstee Manifesto

This is your life. Do what you love, and do it often.
If you don’t like something, change it.
If you don’t like your job, quit.
If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV.
If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; 
they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.
Stop over analyzing, life is simple.
All emotions are beautiful.
When you eat, appreciate every last bite.
Life is simple.
Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences.
Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them.
Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself.
Some opportunities only come once, seize them.
Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them so go out and start creating.
Life is short.
Live your dream, and wear your passion.

Wishing you a week filled of happy smiles and positive thoughts!

Friday, May 11, 2012

The IKEA Family Card and Dreams of a Kitchen & Textiles

We received our IKEA Family Card yesterday and it's one of the most gorgeous looking cards the Husband and I have encountered.  

Be part of the IKEA Family to avail perks and discounts:
  • Free hot drinks every visit
  • Discounts on selected meals in the IKEA Restaurant
  • Exclusive discounts on lots of products
  • Extended 12-month return policy
  • 10c donated to charity for every swipe
  • Weekly $250 IKEA gift card draw

For more details, please visit IKEA FAMILY and join for free.
_1180583 copy copy

We registered for an IKEA Family Card last month when we took my Mum for a visit.  Everytime she's here, we make sure to drop by IKEA in case she needs something for our home in Manila.  Plus, she also loves food at IKEA.
IKEA with Mum

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Zushi Sushi & Baskin Robbins at Pacific Fair Shopping Centre (Broadbeach, Queensland)

If I had one free week, I'd go on a blogging holiday and I'd do nothing but blog.  While I'm not pressured to update this blog on a daily basis, I do like writing about my food and travel adventures because more than anything else, I blog for myself.  Keeping a blog has become a useful tool for me as sometimes I go back to my previous posts on places, restaurants and recipes when the need arises.  I still haven't figured out how to I will share our Philippines, Gold Coast and Melbourne trips (they all happened last year!!!) as efficiently and concisely as possible but I have an inkling of a plan.  In the meantime, let me share with you a restaurant that fascinated us when we visited Gold Coast in December 2011.  

On the morning that we arrived at Gold Coast our room wasn't ready yet (we were early for check-in time) so our first agenda was to attend mass (it was a Sunday) and then find a place to have a meal and hang out for a few hours.  Our relatives recommended to visit the biggest mall at Gold Coast, Pacific Fair Shopping Centre, located at Broadbeach.  

We found St. Monica's Church not too far away from our hotel so after mass, we took the bus to Pacific Fair Shopping Centre.

Arrived a little after 12noon, we felt famished and a bit tired.  We assumed all the getting up early and travelling to Gold Coast had taken a toll on us.  For lunch, we wanted something fast but fresh.  At one corner of the mall, we found a Japanese Restaurant called Zushi Sushi and immediately cheered when we saw the sushi train.

Sat ourselves on the sushi train and wondered, "Where are all the sushi?"

Then suddenly, we saw a miniature train on the sushi train tracks!  Oh how cute!!!
Restaurant: Zushi Sushi (Broadbeach, Queensland)

Behind the miniature train were the plates containing yummy sushi.
Restaurant: Zushi Sushi (Broadbeach, Queensland)
Restaurant: Zushi Sushi (Broadbeach, Queensland)

We only got two plates of sushi, both freshly-made and delicious.
Restaurant: Zushi Sushi (Broadbeach, Queensland)
Restaurant: Zushi Sushi (Broadbeach, Queensland)

We ordered a plate of stir-fried spicy beef with rice, soup and salad.  It was good enough to share.  The beef tender and juicy.
Restaurant: Zushi Sushi (Broadbeach, Queensland)

Restaurant: Zushi Sushi (Broadbeach, Queensland)

For our first meal in Gold Coast, we enjoyed the food and were greatly amused by the creativity that is the miniature train.  This is one sushi train experience we will never forget.

We had a good walk around Pacific Fair Shopping Centre and we instantly felt how laidback it was at the Gold Coast.  If Sydney feels laidback, Gold Coast is more of that.
Pacific Fair Shopping Centre (Broadbeach, Queensland)
Pacific Fair Shopping Centre (Broadbeach Queensland)
Pacific Fair Shopping Centre (Broadbeach Queensland)

It was during dessert at Baskin Robbins when I told the Husband, "I want a life like this--simple, more laidback."  The Husband agreed.
Baskin Robbins
Baskin Robbins

Zushi Sushi & Teppanyaki - Pacific Fair
Shop 148 Western Food Court
Pacific Fair Shopping Centre
Broadbeach, QLD 4218
07 5572 7877